(M27). Transfer student at a near-top 100 US university of 29K students; lots of clubs and activities. Fwiw, I look 22ish even with my beard and am 5’7, so I don’t think I look scarily older or even older at all. That said, is it creepy to try to make friends and hang out/do social activities with what’s mostly 18-23 yo students?

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  2. I mean it makes sense if you’re in college. It would be fucking weird if you were unaffiliated with the university and showing up to college parties but as a college student, a lot of your peers are going to be 18-22 lol. Just the way it is! You’re fine.

  3. If you are a current undergrad student it’s fine & acceptable to hang out with your classmates despite them being younger. It would be very weird to do this at that age if you were just a random person or at a school that you don’t go to. But with your own classmates it’s generally accepted.

  4. It’s still pretty close in age in the grand scheme of things and everyone is more or less an adult there.

  5. Hang out with whomever you want.

    You’re both at the same point in your lives, so what’s the problem? You might have an extra wrinkle or two on them? Who cares.

    People need to quit being so hung up on age. I mean, it makes sense when it comes to romantic relationships. But friendships? Hell no. My spouse and I are 31 and 35. We have neighbors in their mid-20s. We also have neighbors in their 60s. Nobody thinks about it.

  6. I wouldn’t get caught at any parties with people drinking who aren’t old enough to, but other than that, you’re good to go.

  7. Having friends and hanging out with, no, you’re fine.

    Trying to hook up with the younger girls…..getting into creeper territory

  8. Totally fine. Someone in my friend group is 27, actually. He did undergrad late because he was in the military. Now, all his friends are 19-24 year-old undergrad and grad students who work at the school gym with us.

  9. No.

    It could be a bit creepy to be forward with a woman that is under 21 though. Otherwise you are totally fine.

  10. Go for it. I graduated in 2021 at the age of 27.

    Many of my friends were 21 and 22.

    Now I’m 29 they’re 24

  11. It really depends on your connection.

    My buddy Nate was 4 years older than us as freshman, so he was 26 and hanging around 18 year olds in our fraternity by the time we graduated. Now, was that world the sum of his life? No, but he was there at events.

    My brother and I were ways close, he is just shy of 4 years older than me, he often hung out with my friends, and I with his. Situations and individual personality/circumstances are always more important that raw numbers.

  12. My good friend is 28 and I’m 22. He’s 28 and the same year in college with me is because he served in the marines for 5 years after HS. My friend is 5’8 I’m 5’11”

  13. I honestly don’t think you’ll find you have much in common with 18-20 year olds. 23+ is fine tho.

    18-19 is just a world apart from 21, IMO. I wouldn’t really care either way who you’re friends with, I think most people feel the same.

  14. Yeah it’s fine! I’d recommend trying to meet grad students too though as they will be closer to your age and as such you may prefer hanging out with them

  15. You’re a college student.

    Go do college student things with your fellow college students.

  16. If you’re attending the college then no, it’s not weird. We had a 28 year old when I was a freshman who a lot of us became friends with and it wasn’t weird at all.

  17. The average age of undergraduates at the state university campus I taught at many years ago was 26 (commuting students, returning students, late-bloomers, the whole gamut). And, as others mentioned, you’re just a student, hanging out with students.

  18. In grad school there were some big age differences, but it never really mattered. Beyond occasionally us younger students would get invited over for dinner at a real apartment or house.

  19. Honestly a lot of the “traditional age” students might not even realize you’re a little older than them. I know I was like that when I was in college; there were quite a few people who were in their late 20s/early 30s and I had *no idea*. I think you’ll be fine!

  20. Might be a little awkward in general as 19 year olds and 27 year olds are usually in vastly different maturity levels. But as long as you’re not specifically seeking out 18 year olds to hook up with or something, then I don’t think it would be creepy or weird.

  21. As a student it’s fine, you’re older but not so much that it’d be weird, and since you go to school together they’re still your peers.

    If you were way older it might be weird, especially if you were trying to go to parties, but you’re still pretty close in age to everyone else.

  22. I laughed pretty hard at this. In the blink of an eye you will no longer see 27yo as any different in age than 20yo

  23. If you’re a fellow student, it would not be weird to hang out.

    I wouldn’t try to have sex with any of the underclassmen, but it’s 100% legal even if some people might find it weird, and that’s probably more info than you’re looking for.

  24. If they’re classmates, why not? Just be careful to not hit on someone.

  25. When I was 18, my best friend at school was a guy who started at 26. He was way nicer and more mature than the dudes my age.

    I’d think your only real issue would be a lot of the younger people will seem like immature assholes to you, but overall I’d think you’ll be fine. Just remember you’re the smart one, not them.

  26. You are in college – it’s fine. My husband was the oldest in his entire college class. He’s still good friends with people he met back then.

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