Let me start by saying I know how hard it is for everyone on here, I love you all and feel your pain. I am not often successful. However I want to share with you guys my victories as well as my loses.
Saw a girl at my job the other night and she was abnormally gorgeous. I dont often see girls who make me go “I have to have that” but this was definitely one of those cases. I figured I had nothing to lose by trying to talk to her. Lets call her pretty girl.

Pretty girl said that english was not her first language but her american accent sounded fluent. I asked her some basic questions and eventually she mentioned fleetwood mac when we got to music. I wasn’t sure I heard her right because I didnt think a 20 year old girl in 2022 would be into fleetwood mac. I figured she had to be into witchcraft if she mentioned fleetwood mac and I winded up being right. I am also into witchcraft so the conversation really started picking up then. Pretty girl knows a lot of magic that comes from her home country and I am legitimately interested in learning everything I can about witchcraft. She mentioned she was doing a “cleansing” on tuesday and i jokingly told her to pencil me in after. She looked at me like I was joking and when she realized I was serious she looked excited and said yes so I had her put her number in my phone.

My manager came over and asked me to do something so i had to leave. She went over to her table by herself and sat for awhile on her phone. Another woman started chatting me up and I could see Pretty Girl glaring at me (definitely not happy about it) from across the room. I didnt want Pretty girl to think I was together with this new woman so I had the idea to invite her into the conversation and mostly focus on Pretty girl to let her know I was single and interested in her specifically. It worked and the other girl got the hint.

Pretty girl was very happy at this point and I said “lets go out tomorrow, wherever you want to go” she mentioned a seafood place shes into and I was more than happy to take her to the sixth circle of hell if thats where she wanted to go. We made plans and she talked with me for the rest of my shift. When I got off she went home and I wasnt sure if I was going to see her again.

I texted her this morning and to my suprise we met up. I had a ton of plans for us including dinner but she really just wanted to drink some gas station liquor at the park which I thought was very cute. We saw a homeless lady and I wanted to give her some money. Pretty girl was very happy with this idea and she bonded with the homeless lady for a long time and was hugging her and they cried. We got the homeless lady Mcdonalds and ice cream and kicked it with her for a bit. The lady made her break out in hives so we took care of that.

I made a joke that I had to pee and she could come hold hands with me while I peed if she wanted and she tried to call my bluff so I doubled down and yes I peed while holding this girls hand XD She tripped over a rock and she was VERY embarrassed and upset. I guess she really wanted to look like she totally had her shit together but i mean who actually does lol. I told her a story about how when I was 16 and on a date this girl peed herself and that seemed to help a bit. I made a joke that I was a prostitute and if she cashapped me $6 she could have her way with me. She cashapped me and i took that as my opportunity to kiss her. It worked. We had sex in the car and it was great.

Shes moving to another state tomorrow, tonight was her last night here. She says shes coming back in 2 months but i mean who knows. I hope she does, I would really like to date her. I told her to text me when shes back and she said “what youre not going to talk to me while im gone?” which made me really excited because I didnt think she would want to remain in contact while she was gone let alone be mad at me for not hitting her up which feels good. Its nice to feel like someone wants to talk to you. I wish she was staying and I could continue building a relationship with her right now. But maybe at the same time she will look on this really good date while shes gone and think of me fondly and it will work to my advantage.


If you read this long thank you. love you guys

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