I feel great most of the time but recently there have been times I’ve felt extremely lonely. When I get home and I’m alone and drunk it doesn’t feel nice at all. I never get this feeling sober.

How does drinking alcohol make you feel?

  1. It makes me feel sad and lonely, as if it turns on a tap and suddenly all my pent-up emotions start pouring out. It’s why I never drink alcohol unless I’m alone in my bedroom.

  2. alcohol is a depressant, that’s what it does. At first you get a dopamine rush and feel great, but as you drink more and more you never get that initial feeling back.

    BUT, it also has different effects on different people. I’m perfectly fine drinking alone.

  3. Alcohol mostly just makes me horny tbh. I’ve not really experienced loneliness as a result of being drunk. Just horny and productive.

  4. Depends what I drink and how much. I’ve had about 5 vodka & cokes (no idea on the measures, I’m just pouring some out each time) and I’m feeling slightly buzzed but not drunk, just woozy. This is normally where I stop and enjoy feeling ‘silly’ before I get fully wasted.

    If I have a few beers, it doesn’t really make much difference.

    I don’t like being fully drunk, I get a headache, feel sick, my eyes burn and there’s no real joy in it. The fun of drinking is getting to where I am now and then stopping. You’re still sober enough to type and walk and form sentences, but too far gone to think about why my life sucks.

  5. It’s effects on me vary based on the mental state I had before drinking and the company I’m keeping. It primarily relieves inhibition for me. I suffer from anxiety and depression and tend to be a people pleaser, however that fades into the background when I’m drunk.

  6. It makes me feel good and for the time being I forget about my problems, but the downside is the hangover from hell and the not remembering what I said or did the day before while I was blacked out.

  7. Daily drinker here. Alcohol amplifies your emotions and makes thinking clearly very difficult. It brings up pain that was in the back of my mind and puts it in the front. It makes the voice inside my head call me every name in the book and constantly taunt myself. Basically alcohol makes me feel like Shit.

  8. Depends on my mood when I started drinking and what I’m doing during.

    Happy and drinking with friends; I’m staying happy and excited. Pissed or stressed, I’m drinking to numb myself, shut the bad thoughts out for a bit.

  9. Fuckin adventure time. I’m that guy you go out drinking with and a couple drinks later you have absolutely no fucking clue where I went… I could be in another bar, could be in an Uber on the way to a strip club or shooting the shit with a homeless guy that asked to bum a smoke, who knows lol

  10. I don’t drink, so it mostly makes me feel sorry for people who can’t seem to live without it. Sad.

  11. Sleepy. Dizzy. Drunk. Sometimes horny.

    Probably cuz I haven’t been sleeping much for the past month.

  12. It helps me sleep so I don’t have to think about what a sorry bastard I am. The problem is, the same sorry bastard wakes up.

  13. I’m almost a year without a drink. I got here because alcohol made me forget my problems, but it also made me forget the good things I have in life. It helped me detach… from everything.

  14. Relaxed! Happy, horny, sleepy and easy going. I love it.. you just need to regulate the amount

  15. It’s a roller coaster for me.

    Beer 1: Freedom

    Beer 2: Relaxation

    Beer 3-5: Happiness and laughter

    Beer 6: Don’t want the happiness to stop yet

    Beer 7: I will fuck you up at darts right now.

    Beer 8: I’m either eating greasy unhealthy fatty food or dancing in a club.

    Anything past 8 (in a short period of time) and I’m sloppy hating my life.

    Hang overs are brutal anything past 6.

  16. I do my best work after a few shots because I am still in control and can work on a side project at that point, but the few shots make me feel good and get rid of all negative thoughts

  17. Surly and combative. Back in the day, I used to get day drunk and yell at tossers on reddit all day long!

  18. I find it relaxing and it eases my anxiety. But I’m also an anxious depressive, so you know, your mileage may vary.

  19. it makes me feel like exactly what it does lol. Short lived anti anxiety and a little euphoria followed by my entire biological system fucked and out of whack for at least a day.

  20. I feel lonely most of the time no matter what I do. Suffice to say drinking alcohol doesn’t help. Actually from what I’ve witnessed, some people I meet when going out drink exclusively in crowds.

  21. Alcohol is one of the worst things I can put in my body, hands down. A cig doesn’t impair you. And even if I did meth I’d be more productive than on alcohol. Alcohol is by far the worst one, and there’s a reason it’s so widely available, socially accepted, and on every single street corner, with about 70% of people doing it weekly.

  22. It makes me feel nice and euphoric, then tired and confused, and then sick when I wake up after a late night drinking. That’s why I don’t really drink much anymore since I’ve been through that way too many times and rather have a nice day doing what I want then trying to remedy a hangover.

  23. I have anxiety and it quiets those voices so I can relax. I know that’s dangerous so I don’t drink too much.

  24. I haven’t had a drink since 9/15/75, but I can remember feeling invincible when drunk, and stupid the morning after, when I realized just how much, feeling invincible cost.

  25. I get even more depressed while drunk. Fuck that. People trying to shame me into drinking more just infuriate me. I have a better time sober.

  26. It makes me want to fight people. Not in an angry way, I’m always very matter-of-fact or kind of laughing about it. Just walking around telling my friends “I want to fight everyone”.

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