Would it be minimal texting? Only responding if they reach out first? Not going on dates at all with them at all? I’m curious what the tell tell signs are of a guy not being very interested in pursuing from the beginning.

  1. I only talk to women who show me interest.

    It’s more efficient and eliminates all the time wasted chasing women.

  2. It’s different man to man, there’s no way to definitively answer the question.

    I hate texting, I can’t stand it; it doesn’t mean I wasn’t interested in pursuing my wife when we first got together. I’ve been so broke I couldn’t afford food for the week, I can’t invite someone out for a date if I can’t cover the bill.

    Are there some things that point to not wanting to pursue more than others, sure. But you need to put some critical thinking into their actions to figure it out, or ask them directly.

  3. If you aren’t physically attractive to them off the rip, that will be a problem.

    When you get to know them and you dont like them as much as you want. If you can’t get excited when they message you then move on.

  4. She is in my home and I’m wondering what’s taking her so long to collect her things and leave.

  5. *”Men of Reddit, what are some signs you’re not really interested in pursuing someone in early dating?”*

    When you have to ask this question.

  6. Not setting up dates. I’ll literally just stop arranging dates (because God knows she won’t even if she’s interested) and that’s the end of it. Nothing subtle about it.

  7. >what are some signs you’re not really interested

    Dont need a sign. If im not interested then im not interested

  8. When I found myself going hours without texting them and I just didn’t feel like I was missing out

  9. When I was dating, if I was at all interested, it was obvious.

    If I was not interested, there would be no communication.

    Raise or fold.

  10. She has a thousand other dudes in her pocket 24/7 for one. That’s already a turn off. And if she’s not showing interest in me, it just seems like an uphill battle and a waste of time.

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