Maybe a grand gesture, or the little things, even something unintentional. Anything! 🙂

  1. Apologize for projecting her anxious insecurities on me when they are her own issues to work out. That was sexy and made me smile

  2. This morning I asked her if she was up to chopping some wood for me. It was then taken care of.

  3. I paint, and while she’s always been really supportive of it, has never really taken an interest in it or asked me much about it. She asked me if I’d paint something on her nails and it made me pretty happy, just that she thought of me and my skills that way. She said she was showing it off to the girls at her work and I was beaming like a big idiot.

  4. Told me that the first time she met me (we were both in different relationships), that I had an energy to me, and was someone she decided she wanted to have in her life no matter the context.

  5. She painted eyes on her brits and said “my eyes are here” while pointing at them

  6. Honestly, a lot of times I smile just looking at my wife, thinking about all that I like and love about her

  7. She flew home for a couple weeks and has left me notes of love and encouragement hidden all around our apartment!

  8. We are in the process of moving. She moved first to our new location. I was stuck at home for 2 weeks. When I finally got up there with our stuff. She was dressed in a nice night gown, with her hair done and ready to go! Sadly I could only see her for 3 days, now I’m gone for another 2 weeks. I don’t think she will repeat that, but I get to see my kids again and haven’t seen them for a month! I miss those demons for sure!

  9. She gasped and squealed in joy when she saw fancy figurines for her two favorite characters in Persona 5 at a shop. Naturally, we got them.

  10. My wife and I have a pretty rough go of it lately.
    She texted me just a bit ago and said,” I love you. I appreciate how hard you are working at making our relationship feel cohesive and loving again. Can’t wait to see you this evening 😘”
    Melted my stone cold heart!

  11. She let me overshare for like 30 minutes about my love for 2 wrestlers from Japan, one of which she’s never even seen wrestle.

    I love that woman.

  12. He sent me a picture of him lying in bed with the cats and told me I’m the second best part of him moving home in a couple months. For context, the first is his mum.

  13. Her WhatsApp went down before we could say good night (LDR) so she sent me an email written in the old style of writing, complete with formal format.

    Beyond cute.

  14. Bought me cheese. I really love cheese. No really, I am eating it as I write this. This is a direct path to my love.

  15. My wife who is suffering from major depressive disorder left for a week to try a new therapy. I do everything around the house, she does what she can but most days that is barely getting out of bed. Before she left. She cleaned and folded all clothes.

  16. Shes the only women I’ve been with that genuinely makes me laugh and every time she does i wanna squeeze her forever (while smiling)

    In fact I smile when she calls and when she shows up and when she texts me and when she drinks water or eats the food i giver her

    Anything really

  17. My wife does a yoga thing every opening at 6am. I wake up just before 7.

    She came back into bed and we just cuddled for about an hour.

    We both fall asleep from daily activities (her taking care of the kid and me taking care of a business)

    Mornings are the best

  18. She’s noticed how large my lego collection has become and bought me a new bookcase to put them in. Nothing special only a cheap £30 one but the fact she notices my hobbies is cute. Now how to explain I bought two large sets when I said I was done for a few months…..

  19. My grandmother has fallen into ill health, she’s got maybe a few weeks left.

    After I got off the phone when my brother gave me the news I broke down pretty hard. My wife was sleeping at the time. I woke her up with tears streaming down my face and she held me as I cried. I drove 7 hours to my hometown to see her the last few days and after the initial emotional shock passed I realized how lucky I am to have a partner to support me when life just plain sucks.

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