What, in your experience, are the characteristics of a “good woman”?

  1. Well, in my experience about 5’3″, blonde, super smart, beautiful as hell, and for some reason she loves me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  2. She doesn’t belittle my feelings, is calm and not high strung, and isn’t caught up in superficial garbage.

  3. Kindly, humble, submissive but not a doormat, optimistic, nurturing, patient, intelligent, waiting for marriage to have sex.

  4. I’ve been able to talk to her about EVERYTHING without afraid of it being used against me, after we dated and broken up we’re still best friends and kept that same level of trust when we dated, amd she has been my shoulder to cry on.

  5. Doesn’t display any toxic behavior, is emotionally mature, and emotionally intelligent.

  6. Makes me feel appreciated and comfortable. Is safe to open up emotionally to.

  7. She has a private Instagram without any links in the bio, and you could put the profile picture on LinkedIn.

    The only other bonus is whether she’s romantic…so…ya know….if the profile picture is black and white looking serious…maybe a little too romantic but fine. If the profile just looks professional then yeah that’s probably fine. If it’s a sketch or art, perfection. If it looks like an old Facebook profile picture, then she’s going to be one of those “sweat pants, pizza, and friends on Netflix is my ideal date” girls…not for me.

  8. Communication being in a relationship where I was just in the doghouse and didn’t know why is wholy different than like hey you said this thing and that upset me did you mean it like that and believing what I’m saying is the truth

  9. Good woman and good partner are 2 different things. Good wife and good girlfriend? Also may be different.

  10. Skinny, financially savy, kind, motivated, sexually pleasing. If she has all 5 marry her.

  11. Kind, patient, understanding, accommodating, and virtuous. But any one of these can make someone good.

  12. Find a women who cares about your feelings and emotions. So many women don’t treat these as two way streets that you have to meet your partner 50/50 in. Like yes he has feelings too. Your why is as important as her why.

  13. I am not speaking from experience but as long as she is not a so called “feminist” in this day and age then she is about 70% on the way of being perfect

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