What do you do on days you have nothing to do?

  1. Play Minecraft, usually. It’s my newest “lose an entire fucking day” game. I don’t touch The Sims anymore because of that but Minecraft feels more satisfying.

  2. Eat garbage food, binge watch TV, get high, play with my toys 😉 , and try to disassociate as much as I can

  3. Sleep, draw, crochet. But also nothing lol. Currently laying on the floor and listening to music. It’s pretty relaxing lol

  4. If I don’t feel like going out, I’ll almost certainly play video games most of the day.

  5. Laze in bed till I’m satisfied before going out for a stroll. Either that or spend my time online watching videos

  6. A day I have nothing to do? I’ve heard of them, but never seen one in the wild.

  7. That was me today! I played The Sims, started 2 new crochet projects, finished my audiobook (Unwind, which my 13 year old recommended), rode my bike, rode my bike while eating a popsicle, got a little high. It was a great day.

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