I know the root of my problem is a lack of confidence and low self esteem, but I don’t know exactly how to fix that. I can’t approach women it’s a severe struggle for me, so I try to use the dating apps and I dont get many results and it makes me feel worse about myself. I recently got out of my first relationship of 5 months and it’s been about a month but I’m ready to start meeting new people and I just struggle. I don’t have a car so it’s hard getting around and everything just feels impossible when it comes to dating. Before my first gf I didn’t even meet that many people. It’s just hard and I don’t know why, but any advice would be very much appreciated.

  1. You need to work on your life before you work a girlfriend. If your horny and tryina hook up that’s a different story

  2. Confidence is a fake it until you make it kind of thing. I have moments where I’m feeling deeply unconfident, but I’ll just push that down and think logically about what the next thing I need to do in that moment.

    You don’t have to go over the top with this, but recognizing when you’re lacking in confidence, and making a game plan to deal with it, goes such a long way.

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