I like to cook for people I care about, or, if someone is visiting my home, I would try to prepare a good amount of food if they’re staying over for a while. I was told that these acts of niceness can make people uncomfortable by my former partner. I only did this for people I dated or coming over to hang out. Was I doing something wrong?

  1. No way! I think you are a good provider, thoughtful and generous. You sound like a wonderful host to me by making sure your guests have good amount of food when they come over. All these are attractive qualities. Who wouldn’t like to be welcomed with good food. I really don’t understand why your former partner thinks cooking food for your guests would make them feel uncomfortable, especially if your guests are people you already formed a good bond with or else you wouldn’t be inviting them over. It’s not like these people you are inviting over are complete strangers. Your former partner is selfish to think like that because it seems like he or she doesn’t want you to treat other people that you care about well. So he or she comes up with this insane reason to make you doubt yourself and question your niceness. I am not surprised if your former partner doesn’t even appreciate you cooking for him or her.

  2. Maybe cooking is too much. They might feel uncomfortable in you spending so much effort on them.

    It does make me uncomfortable, especially when it’s something i don’t eat or i have already eaten before going, thus am not hungry. Feels like i made them waste resources.

    You could try to make snacks instead of making a meal. You could also ask the guests if they would want a meal before making the meal.

    Snacks while at someones house – normal, full blown meals – not so normal.

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