Hi, guys! In short I’m a 32yr female that’s been playing the field. I have a 2 man {sometimes 4 it’s in flux} roster. Anywho, I saw guy 1 yesterday and he left a giant hickey on my neck but I already planned a date with guy no.2 for tomorrow. What do I do now? Cancel on guy 2 and make an excuse? Or just pretend it’s not there and if he teases me about it tell him the truth?

They both know i’m safely playing the field and being honest about my actions so I’m not lying to anyone or being sexually unsafe, and they have a roster too but this situation has me in a pickle haha.

  1. Id like to think I’m confident enough to not only have women in my “rotation” (I hate that phrase) as well but also sure of myself enough to not worry about a hicky on a dates neck.

    My girlfriend would be a way different story.

    On a date, I would think it’s funny and would probably make flirty little jokes throughout the night if it was brought up early on.

    Put a little extra makeup on and don’t bring it up. If it’s brought up, laugh about it.

    If he doesn’t laugh about it and is offended, kick him out of the rotation. He was on a different level than you were emotionally and there was clearly an imbalance. Good riddance.

    Good luck!

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