I(29M) and my (27F) Girlfriend have been talking for a couple months and kinda made it official that we would be bf/gf on July 4th. We live about 40min away from each other but would see each other 2-4 times a week. We both have kids and I am recently divorced, she is separated and is in the midst of getting the divorce. (I know it’s bad since she has started the divorce or anything) Everything about the relationship was amazing, we were constantly calling, facetiming , and texting throughout the day. I’ve never met someone and just connected so quick. If I had to say I believe she was someone I could see myself with for the long haul. Beautiful, caring, smart, sexy, and funny. She was always complimenting me, she was constantly touching me, either holding my arm or hand on chest. Just so affectionate. About a week ago we were laying in bed and she told me she was falling in love with me. Honestly I was falling for her too.

So 4 days ago on Monday morning (her side of the story) her and her husband got into an argument, and somehow it slipped out that she had a boyfriend (me) and the husband got pretty upset. As far as I know he’s not a violent man. He told her to get the divorce papers, and after all that she couldn’t have the kids on his week with them (she was off and he worked Mon-Weds). So after that she was very stressed and didn’t message me the whole day. Tuesday morning she apologized for being distant and was dealing with a lot of stuff. I understood and was supportive, but Tuesday was the exact same. I texted at night to tell her goodnight and then again Wednesday morning to tell her good morning and nothing. Around my usual lunch time she txt me : names are hidden

“Hey *****.
I think you know where this is headed. I think for me the distance is too hard to manage despite both of our best efforts.
I just feel bad because of how busy I actually am and I’m not able to make the time for you as I hoped.
You’re truly amazing and I was lucky to have you while I did.
I’m sorry to do this ******, but I will no longer continue this relationship.
I wish the very very very best for you and ***** and I’m sorry to have wasted your time. ”

I responded with it’s ok I understand. I wanna be an adult about this and respect her wishes. We both talked about how we would put our kids first and stuff and I understand that the distance was tough but I did the majority of the driving which to me was fine. I just don’t know how it went from so loving like 100mph to 0 in 2 days. But I do think she was perfect for me. Everything between us was so natural, so in sync, I’ve never felt like this before.

It’s been a rough 24hrs and I know I should just let her go. But every part of me is screaming to not let her go.

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