I don’t know much about US culture, but i got one question to ask you guys from US.

My girl, an international student, just lied about her whereabouts to her parents and visited a MAN’s place at 11PM by HERSELF. After her parents found this out, they were pretty angry about this. Somehow my girlfriend didn’t think it’s a big deal, and she even said that it’s pretty normal for young people in US to go out at this time.
(I know i’m her boyfriend, but please ignore me in this case.)

So i need advice from you US citizens, does that look sus to you guys or not?

  1. She went to another man house at 11pm. What do you think she went there for? It wasn’t just to hangout. She is not girlfriend material and you should end the relationship. She cheated on you!!!!!

    FYI. I wouldn’t care if she slept the the guy or not. The fact she went to another guys place. Would be more than enough for me to end the relationship

  2. It is normal to go out to party at that time here BUT I’m guessing the guy was throwing a house party? Otherwise her going to some dudes house at that hour is definitely sus.

  3. It’s normal to do that at her age without parental permission because she’s grown and can do as she pleases. However it’s not normal to do when you are a committed relationship. So she is likely up to no good and gaslighting you. Good luck friend.

  4. So, your GF is a liar and a cheater. This happens everywhere, not just in the US.

  5. Anytime I went to a man’s place at 11pm, and it was going to be just me and him, it was to hook up. Sometimes there was a pretence of “watching a movie” but it was pretty obvious what both of our intentions were

  6. I’m confused.

    In American culture, a 21 year old is not having their whereabouts disclosed to their parents regardless of gender, especially in college, if they’re not living with them. Sometimes even if they are living with them. How and why were her parents upset?

    Despite you saying to ignore this part, it’s just too strange and I didn’t see a good reason why you couldn’t give context about this. If she is going to a guys house, that you don’t know and haven’t met, then that is suspect in all cultures (people have sex).

    It sounds like you’re upset she went to a man’s house, not that she may have cheated on you which is contradictory.

  7. I’m confused, is the guy who place she went to yours or someone else? If it was someone else,,,she probably cheated on you

  8. If the dude was a friend then she would not need to lie about it. Sus AF.

  9. So your girlfriend went to another man’s house at 11pm, and she’s now trying to use “cultural differences” as an excuse as to why?

    99.99% she is cheating if she had a legitimate reason, it wouldn’t be cultural differences lol

  10. It is not unusual for a SINGLE 21-year-old to be out that late. However, you should be concerned that you’re calling her “your girl” and she went alone to a man’s place. That is NOT normal.

  11. Lol your gf is cheating on you man. No girl goes to a guys house alone at 11pm. If I were you I’d dump her and move on. Her parents were mad cause they knew the game and the score lol.

  12. I went to a girl’s house late at night before to study for a test the next day and hey we did study but we also bumped uglies when we’re taking a break. Take that for what it’s worth.

  13. If it was a house party then sure, if not no that ain’t normal. Sounds like cheating to me.

  14. Personally? Around that age I did have both female and male friends that it would be normal for me to stop by around those hours and chill for a bit (smoke weed, watch tv, play a video game , have a drink ,chat etc ) and it was completely platonic so I wouldn’t jump straight to cheating necessarily but it’s definitely something you should talk about. I think it’s an understandable thing to be uncomfortable about but also trust is important and someone stopping at a friends house isn’t automatically cheating

  15. He said to ignore him in this case. So several things..
    1. Shes 21, its normal to go out at that time.
    2. Should she have lied? Probably not. However if her parents are strict I can see why she’d do it.
    3. If they know the guy she went over to and its possible they don’t like him, that’s another reason to lie.

    Now not ignoring OP
    1. Sounds like shes possibly cheating. (Ill give her the benefit of the doubt but it does sound very suspicious. Sorry)
    2. She could have lied to her parents to avoid questions about said dude, especially if they know about you.
    3. If she told you and not her parents it may bring up 2 possiblities.
    A. She could be doing it to spite you.
    B. Her parents are strict and she finds you more laid back and understanding.

    Just some takes on it.

  16. At the very least, she should give you (her boyfriend) a reason for going to a dude’s place that late. Was it an emergency? Did she want to talk about something important? Are the two of you in a long-distance relationship? More context needed. I’m not going to jump on the “she’s cheating” bandwagon, but it’s sus fr.

    Also, how did her parents find out?

  17. Did she leave her home at 11pm to go to his?

    Or did she go out to his place earlier in the evening (7-8pm) and stay out until 11pm?

    Both may be suspicious, but the first one is much more so, as it’s not likely they were going to *start* studying, watching a TV show, playing a game, or whatever else so late.

    In America it is normal for men and women to socialize as friends, and it’s normal as college students to hang out in each other’s homes. But 1:1 late at night at home is usually more than friends.

  18. Just say that you feel this is inappropriate instead of making it seem like a riddle. It doesn’t matter where your from but what’s YOUR opinion and boundaries on this.

    Edit: I’m from Canada and it depends. Maybe it’s a childhood friend, maybe he’s gay, maybe anything. She’s honest about it so i would tell her straight up how it makes me feel.

  19. It is possible for people to hang out and not have sex! Reddit always assumes the very worst.
    I know you said not to worry about the fact that you’re the boyfriend, but we definitely will anyway. What did she tell you about it?
    I would guess that her parents are worried about what could’ve happened despite her best intentions.
    Or, maybe they’re just concerned about how it would look to other people.

  20. No dude she is 21 not a freaking child anymore she can do whatever she wants like…

  21. Anyone else confused? I go to my friends places late all the time whether they’re a man or a woman. I am bisexual so maybe that changes things but I don’t fuck my friends, nor do I want too.

  22. It’s normal in the US

    It’s not normal for parents of an adult to be tracking their location. This post is sus. OP, are you the “parents?”

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