after 5 days of consistent worries and anxiety i asked that girl out. and to my surprise she was waiting for me to ask her. she was so happy and immediately responded to my voice mail. she want to get some drinks with me and even said where she would like me to go with her.

we had good vibes between us since years. but nobody of us took the shot to make thing’s serious. this was my first time stepping out of my comfort zone, and asked her to break ice. i could hear the relief in her voice after i finally asked. i think we both definitely have a crush on each other. i am so proud of myself right now, i didnt fucked it up like i thought i would.

  1. omg, im so proud of you! sometimes we think that we are not enough and that scares us enough to miss out on good opportunities. i hope you two have fun.

  2. Fuck yes bro! It’s all about momentum, these wins will just keep piling up

  3. Glad you asked her!

    And I think it’s important to use this as a reminder: she was going to say yes no matter how you said it. So your likelihood of being able to “fuck it up” was actually pretty low. Helpful to keep in mind for people like me who sometimes think the precise wording of something matters a lot more than we think it does.

  4. I love stories when courage is rewarded like this. I wish you the best of luck

  5. The girl im with said a lot of times as to why we didn’t “started before” like, we know each other for like 7 years and we started something like 2 or so months ago (she said because she didn’t wanted tho, but like, neither wanted at the time lmfao it is something strange cant actually describe it, tbh, it stills kinda strange tho)

  6. It’s good that two people who like each other are together, after all, sometimes a man should be as active as you are.

  7. This was really wholesome to read. Good vibes to you both. Enjoy everything for what is worth and most importantly have fun! 🤜 happy for you stranger

  8. I’m happy for you man.

    I’m looking to get back out there myself. This post reminded me about the serendipity life has to offer

  9. Congrats!! If you guys are looking for a sign to risk it, then THIS IS IT!

    I hope the guy I like will finally have the courage to ask me out. I’ve been dropping hints. I don’t know if he’s clueless or he’s just not that interested in me.

  10. I’m happy for you but this really hurts to read, as I was the insecure guy who wanted to advance things further with a girl but never could and she gave up, even though she was very obviously open to it and kept dropping hints, getting close physically, every sign that shows interest.

    She gave up, it hurts. Glad you did what I couldn’t, gives me hope.

  11. 5 days of insecurity? Those are rooky numbers!

    By the way congrats I’m jealous.

  12. Never stop reaching out of your comfort zone. In the least it will extend it, in the worst you’ll just get told a no.

  13. Congrats man!! You shoot your shot and got paid dividends 😀 hope it goes well!

  14. As someone suffering from similar insecurities myself, I’m happy for you OP. The feeling must be surreal!

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