Motivational quotes and how of a good guy he is?

  1. To me it doesn’t sound like a red flag, more of a social media dependence. Some people like posting and re-posting stuff, they like getting likes, they get sad when no one likes their posts. So some take a hint and do something else, some think they need to step up their social media game. I have friends who post work out motivational quotes, but they are about as active as a brick. But they think them posting is equivalent of doing things in real life.

  2. Eh idk if it would be a red flag but I’d say it’s a yellow flag IF the motivational quotes are related to having a hard time finding friends or a partner. Those types of guys in my experience aren’t necessarily bad guys or even “red-pilled” but they do tend to be a bit depressed/insecure and not have the greatest social skills.

  3. I wouldn’t yes or no. Maybe he’s trying to hype himself up and feels like sharing.

  4. Can you give some general examples? It could be insecurity/bragging or wanting to grow a following/get likes. impossible to tell without context.

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