What is the easiest way for a man to improve his appearance?

  1. Hygiene.

    Brush your teeth, keep your hair looking good, wear clean clothes that fit.

  2. Start using a moisturizer. Men do not understand how much better everyone looks with hydrated skin.

  3. Exercise. Everyone is saying hygiene, but imo, that’s basic and should be expected.

    If you are not showering everyday and keeping yourself clean, get it together.

  4. Stand up straight, shoulders back (but don’t puff your chest out, just pretend there’s a coat hanger in your jacket).

    Smile more and laugh at others more.

    Invest more in statement pieces, go cheap on the basics. You’ll look better with a £100 jacket over a £3 t-shirt than the other way around.

    Get slim-cut, stop trying to make bootleg jeans work.

    Look at what colours go well together.

  5. The biggest is being in shape! Some of you dudes think you’re ugly, but in reality you’re just fat as fuck. Also get a line up, brush your teeth, and workout. Wear cologne, eat fruits/veggies, watch your drinking/diet.

  6. -Good posture. You can be fit, and stand like a slouch and that type of body language lacks confidence and doesn’t accentuate yourself. Same if your lean or heavyset. Good posture compliments your body. A dude at a good weight with poor posture pales in comparison to someone whose 30 pounds overweight with good posture.

    -probably already mentioned while I type this but the easy one is good hygiene. Keep your teeth clean, your beard taught (or clean shaved), your hair kept well, smell good, and take care of your skin especially on your face. Literally a cheap ass morning moisturizer from Target and regularly washing your face makes you look like you’re glowing and keeps blemishes away.

    -Wear properly fitted clothes. On the leaner side? Wear more slim fit/fitted clothes and not baggy to avoid a homely potato sack look unless that’s your style. Heavier set? Don’t wear fitted clothes and something slightly looser. Fit/athletic? Wear something slightly fitted that accentuates your figure but not too slim fitted.

    -regardless of your figure, put in some time towards your physical fitness as well as a good diet. You would be shocked how much of a change just some light physical activity and cutting out things like sodas can do in just a few months for one’s appearance.

  7. Exercise. Lose some access weigh and grow muscles. Now you got a good shape. It doesn’t have to be body builder level but if you are doing some minimal exercise it’ll be visible.

    Generally taking care of yourself in terms of exercise, hygiene and dressing will be visible in a good way.

  8. Smile! I know it’s not PC to say, but everyone likes a person who looks happy and easygoing.

  9. Double check his hygiene. Many people either have outdated information, just plain got taught wrong as kids and teens, or didn’t get taught about some crucial things.

  10. Wash and shave their balls
    Shave their face so they don’t look like an animal

  11. Wear a long sleeve, button down shirt (you can even just wear it over a tee shirt) and cuff it up 2 turns.

    Forearms are to women what calves are to men.

  12. In addition to exercise, actually pay attention to the little things in your appearance, especially the face.

  13. add some accessories to your wardrobe if you don’t have any already. it doesn’t have to be insane but a nice watch or pair of sunglasses works. also working out and just keeping your body in shape does numbers

  14. Get clean. Get a haircut. Become a regular exerciser. Stand up straight. Talk to everyone as if they could become your new next door neighbor.

  15. Easiest? A good hair cut or a shirt that FITS

    Clothes that fit and look the way you want to be perceived are way more important than people think, so dress how you want people to see you.

    Best improvement in 24 hours? A good night’s sleep, shower, shave, haircut, and clothes that work.

    Got one week? Do all the above and work out a few minutes twice a day.

  16. The quickest way… stop wearing baseball caps, esp when indoors. It’s a massive turn-off imo

  17. Exercise is the biggest one. Toning your body will slim you down and make you look far more attractive, and it works in conjunction with your clothing as well.

  18. Get a good night’s rest, and often.

    The face doesn’t lie. If you look tired, you are tired, and you look like crap. So get your proper amount of sleep!

  19. Literally skin care , and hydration
    Just the habit – maybe work in some 30-40 min walks -> jogs->runs

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