School/college buddies, work buddies etc. People who were in your life for a distinct reason at a distinct time. Do you stay in touch with them or do you just move on to the next chapter? I’ve tried getting in touch with some people I used to know but their response makes me feel like I’m the only asshole on earth who cares about re-igniting some flames. It seems like everybody else just moves the hell on and doesn’t care anymore.

  1. Ye mostly thats the case. Usually people have their own friends circles or are simply busy to have more interest than just catching up.

  2. Hitting up old friends has often turned out disappointing. I’ll do it sometimes to catch up, but won’t expect the friendship to start again.

    There’s a reason they are old friends. They have changed, they likely have different priorities, different social circles, different expectations… Or you have changed.

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