When I was a kid, I remember making friends left and right. I just can’t bring myself to talk to people anymore. And it doesn’t even stop at strangers, even my own family I barely talk to anything about other than the bare minimum of what I need to.
And it’s not like I want to be like this, I don’t think anyone does. I have no friends other than online, I can’t hold a conversation without stuttering, using fillers like “uhhh” and “errrr” at the start of every sentence, or have my heart start pounding and my eyes teared up. It’s hell, and I don’t know how to stop it.

I went to therapy once about a year ago, my mom had died 4 years prior and my family was concerned I was acting up because of it, so they made me see a therapist. It ended when he decided that I was fine, gave me a medicine for something unrelated, and I went on my way

I don’t know anything about psychology, but I feel like he was wrong. I remember around when she died that was when I started closing up, only talking to people I knew beforehand and eventually most people altogether.

I don’t want this to turn into a vent, so I’m cutting it short here. I just want advice on what to do. I consider going back to therapy, but I feel like I’ll face the same results. And before you say it, I know, I’m young, there are more important things, blah blah, I get it, but this has been an issue for so long now and it hasn’t shown a single sign of getting better, and I want to stop it before it becomes a much larger issue. Thank you for reading, if you have literally any advice for me please leave it, and have just a wonderful rest of your day.

  1. Hello.

    Its a weird position to be in having difficulty in anything.
    What I have found in getting better at something is to practice.

    It can and will be hard, the results will come very slowly, but if you aim for one short conversation every day, within a month you will notice a slight change. Within a year you will, upon honest reflection, notice a significant difference, and within three years you will be incomparably different.

    There is a mixture of mindsets you can take, but it can be very hard to change that too.

    Try coming to the actual understanding that;

    Any interaction between yourself and others is rather insignificant, yet at the same time has the potential to change lives.

    It may sound weird. Definitely dont stress, as the real beauty to life is exactly this.

    So just take your time, aim for that 5 minute conversation, heck start with just a hello, how are you?

    Start with family, start with the checkout operator in a nearby market, start with yourself in the mirror.
    Just start.

    And finally, dont be put off by others not wishing to interact back. You dont know what has happened to them today to change their outlook, they may be in a similar position as yourself, their favourite pet may have just passed away, or they may have forgotten to take the carrot out before heading into work.

    You never know, but one thing you do know is even if the conversation goes good or bad, you hopefully will wake up the next day and do it all over again 😀

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