Well we’ve been hooking up for the past 2 months. Non stop weekly and since he said he couldn’t have kids we weren’t using protection. He said that he got a vasectomy. Then all of sudden I feel exhausted and like I had the flu. Turns out I was just over a month pregnant and he’s saying there’s no way it could of happened. He wasn’t angry which is good but he didn’t believe me into I took a test at his house in front of him. He isn’t a random weve know each other for 7 months. We are just now sleeping together.

  1. In rare cases it can reconnect and you can get someone pregnant. Any basic googling will give you plenty of information.

  2. 5 possibillities:

    – the vasectomy did not work fully (low chance)

    – the guy lied to get unprotected sex

    – test is a false positive (e.g. due to medication)

    – the gal had sex with an other guy

    – the gal got in contact with other sperm in a pool / public toilet seat (low chance)

  3. It would be interesting to know his age since most physicians won’t perform this surgery on younger men.

  4. I’m sterile, but that doesn’t mean I can’t father children. I produce sperm, but it’s low grade and quality. There is always a chance for me to knock a woman up. It’s never a zero chance. Dude here lied or didn’t have a successful vasectomy.

  5. Dear lord, girl, what are you doing… you can’t just not using protection bc some random guy you are seeing for 2 months tells you he had a vasectomy… smh 🙁

  6. Did he have the test after the vasectomy to show it was successful after an appropriate amount of time ? Did he actually even get a vasectomy ?

    If the answer to any of these is “no” then yeah it’s possible. I hope you did STD tests if not maybe add that to your list as condoms are for more than just preventing pregnancy.

    If I didn’t want to get pregnant I definitely wouldn’t rawdog a rando claiming he got a vasectomy without any proof.

  7. Either he lied or It’s by chance.. If he lied you could take him to court.. Also congrats on the baby he either lives up to responsibilities or he’s a peice of shit..

  8. Dude is either lying or had an unsuccessful vasectomy. Send him to the Dr to get his swimmers checked. Better yet, go with him in support so you can be there when the Doctor says yes or no on his plumbing still working. Either way congratulations on the pregnancy and I hope you have a happy healthy beautiful baby. I hope things get better with him.

  9. Ah wow a story like my own. I too got pregnant by someone thay said they were infertile. I’m sorry you are going through this, it’s definitely not easy. If you need any help or support through this very stressful situation feel free to message me. I really struggled when I was going through it myself.

  10. It never stops surprising me how little some people care about their health and their future. Imagine that – having unprotected sex with some random guy you barely know just cause he said he can’t have kids. Maybe go get tested for STDs too, I bet he also told you he doesn’t have herpes.

  11. Anything is possible however the MOST likely explanation is that he did not have a vasectomy. He may have assumed he was sterile based on past experiences/or relationships.

    You may need to talk to him about it in much more detail….

    Im sorry but he probably lied to you or did not tell you the whole truth.

  12. If you decide to keep the foetus, it will be pretty easy to confirm whether he’s the dad or not.

    Also, not using protection because he supposedly could not have kids was a very dumb idea but you probably realize that by now.

    The good news is you can still get an abortion.

  13. How long ago did he get a vasectomy? You’re supposed to wait enough time then get tested to see if it worked. I was conceived after a vasectomy because my folks didn’t wait long enough.

  14. I’ve heard of vasectomies reconnecting before, very rarely.

    I’m *actually* infertile – no vasectomy needed, I’m just biologically fucked up 🤷🏻‍♂️so I guess I’m lucky this can’t happen to me. Although on the other hand I kind of wish I could have a kid some day. Pros and cons either way

  15. Not using protection would be the worst thing you can do to yourself if you are just hooking up with someone. Just don’t go by what men say!
    Do what’s right for you, and that would be to use some kind of protection so you can avoid STIs and such!

  16. Even after a vasectomy the sperm is still good and alive for approximately 30 ejaculations

  17. Use a condom until you are both tested and exclusive. Ask to see each other’s results. STDs are real and on the rise. Goodness people…

  18. Lol someone said you was raw dawging. That sounds disgusting. I don’t even wanna have sex anymore.

  19. Sounds like another girl got him pregnant. Hate to be the one to tell you :/

  20. This is just…irresponsible. You’re just hooking your with a guy rawdawging and he’s Cumming inside you.

    Why are people like this????

  21. That’s a lie fuckboys tell. Make it clear you’re not entertaining any gaslighting and bring that up in court when you seek custody and child support.

  22. Thats why vasectomies are not one and done. Has he gone to check ups after the operation?

  23. If a guy was hitting raw because his girl said she was on BC and then he went on reddit saying “she’s pregnant now, is this possible? ” Everyone would be calling him an idiot

  24. You can believe people but maybe you should do your own research on vasectomies.
    Also did he show you any proof?
    Also CONGRATS!

  25. Over time, a vasectomy isn’t 100%. Friends of mine, have a 3 yr old now bc he’d had his vasectomy so long ago, it wasn’t perfect. She 100% did not cheat. The kid is for sure his. Things happen. If it’s a hook up then take precautions.

  26. HE LIED. This exact situation just happened to my friend. The guy straight up lied about the vasectomy. He lied. Furthermore, you deciding a vasectomy is enough to forgo protection with someone you barely know is extremely stupid. What about the diseases you’re exposing yourself to?

  27. Same thing my mom was told, yet here’s my brother 20+ yrs later 🤷🏽‍♀️. Some men hear once that they cant have kids or “possibly cant” and they believe it and go on based on this. Other times they just make it up to have unprotected sex. Which I dont think u should be having anyways if you both werent tested and arent monogamous but, thats only for you guys to know. G’luck!

  28. What a….question. So a dude said he can’t have kids and you believed him. Yes, is say it’s very likely possible 🤣 The guy seems like an idiot.

    Ask the guy to show you his vasectomy scars. They are small, but he should have two.

  29. as other have said it is possible the tubes will reattach themselves. My Dr put titanium caps on the ends to reduce the likelihood of this happening because that isn’t usually included. I still had swimmers almost 4 months later and had to confirm with 2 at home tests. It’s wise to take an annual test to ensure you’re still snipped. Is he doing this?

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