what is something he hasn’t done yet that you want him to do?

  1. I’d like my father to finish putting in baseboards in my spare room like he promised. He’s left it halfway done since August 2020.

  2. Clean out the bottom drawer of his dresser that he keeps cramming random cords and things in. It’s the only thing in our bedroom that’s not clean or organized and it leaves it feeling like an incomplete job, but it’s a really small thing and I’m not gonna nag him. He’ll get it eventuallllllyyyyy.

  3. Get the “we” before the “me”.

    When he has to work earliy, i don’t stay awake on my phone with the sound on right at his side unil 3 am.
    When i told him we will have hard time paying bills, he had the idea to get few clothes and visit one of his friends.
    When i shop groceries, i rarely get something for myself only things we eat both.

    He didn’t have an easy life and i get that’s a sort of reflex of preservation. But now we are both on the boat and i can’t be the only one investing and sacrifiyng in it. :/

  4. Put this carbon fiber hood on my car. It’s just collecting dust in the garage baby.

  5. post a nice photo of us on facebook/instagram. it’s been almost 4 years now.

  6. Stand behind me on front of a mirror and point out all my flaws and how much he loves me for them. Ex: stretch marks, muffin top, bald spot

  7. Finally divorce his ex-wife…they’ve been separated for almost 3 years!

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