I live in a small town in the West Country and there is a lot of foxes about. When I’m walking on my own they don’t seem scared of me but definitely keep their distance. But when I’m walking my dog at night they will often follow 10 feet behind us for quite a long way and aren’t bothered by her barking and growling. I’ve never had this with other dogs before. My dog does look a bit like a young fox. Same size, similar colour, similar coat, same ears, same tail except it’s curled round and not straight. My family think that the foxes think my dog is a fox but I struggle to believe they’re that stupid. She looks a bit foxy but she’s obviously a dog. I don’t know why they’re so interested in her. Is this common? Why do they do this?

  1. I don’t know about common but foxes are naturally curious, they do sound like they’re pretty tame or used to dogs if they’re following that closely, try taking some food with you next time!

  2. Might be curiosity about the not-fox. Why does this thing look like a fox, act a bit like a fox, but not smell like one and have one of those weird two-legged “hooman beans” attached to it?

  3. Foxes can mistake other dogs for one of their own. They are very curious critters so when foxes are used to having humans nearby they won’t shy away from further investigation. They can be ridden with rabies so never approach one or let your dog nearby. The sound of your dog probably only peaks their curiosity. If you feel unsafe it can help if you yourself would scream, clap your hands or stomp your feet as if its a foxy party. Seriously though, that could help. Assert some dominance without approaching them.

  4. I have a whippet cross and it nearly goes through the window when ones out front. They don’t care

  5. They won’t hurt you, they’ve probably just been fed by some idiot with dog treats training their dog.

    Give them a good scare if you are worried they won’t do it again.

  6. They know your dog isn’t a fox. Doesn’t look like a fox (really, it doesn’t), doesn’t smell like a fox, doesn’t act like a fox.

    Foxes are just getting confident around us and following you is fun.


    Keep your dog on the lead, don’t encourage the foxes and you’ll be fine.

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