What are you not doing because of fear?

  1. Learning to ride a motorbike. It looks like so much fun when they zoom past on the highway, but also fuck no I don’t wanna die in a violent crash. I fell off a racing horse at 60 km/h once and hit my head pretty badly, don’t feel like experiencing that but at twice+ the speed.

  2. Traveling alone (past 50 miles). It’s the combination of insecurity and feeling less safe without another person around

  3. Speaking to people. I don’t understand how approaching someone would work anyway.

  4. Dating again. I was in a 2 and a half years of relationship and I don’t know how to put myself in the game again.

  5. Dentist. I need massive work done and it will cost beaucoup $$$, even with insurance. I’m also afraid that once again, husband eill put work+his hobbies ahead of my recovery.

  6. Not living/experiencing my life after severe abuse for 33 years and numbing (weed and cigarettes) for the last 2 years. Scared of everything, responsibilities, joy, love, happiness, failure, change, growth what have you – throw it in there.

    I don’t even know who tf I am anymore. The entirety of my life feels fake like a weird fever dream. My anxiety, stress and depression are at an all time high and I don’t know how to manage.

  7. I have a partner, he is wonderful and I would like to marry him, however my first marriage was so traumatic that I know I’d be too scared to do it again in case it ended the same way. Can’t do it a second time.

  8. Using voice chat in video games.

    Friends and I are playing battlebit and it has a really cool proximity voice chat thing, but I daren’t use it, I’ve had enough harassment as a female gamer for a lifetime thanks.

  9. Submarines and cruise ships. I don’t care how “safe” you claim it is, we all know how that worked out.

  10. It’s soo natural to feel fear when considering something new or challenging, but i remember that fear can often be a sign that something is worth doing. It’s brave to push past fear and take risks, and you should be proud of yourself for doing so. It’s never too late to start something new, and you never know what amazing things could be waiting for you on the other side.

  11. Quitting everything and just moving to greece on trust that everything will be ok

  12. I know I need some time truly alone, not in a relationship or anything. I can’t seem to do it and keep getting roped in, even when I try to walk away or stay single. I’ve tried to breakup and don’t have a backbone to stand my ground

  13. K*king myself. I’m incredibly s**cidal right now but I’m a chicken when it comes to pain. At least that’s a good thing, I guess?

    My husband is very supportive and keeps a very close eye on me. When he’s at work we check in via text every hour. If I don’t respond within thirty minutes he calls the police, so it keeps me actively aware of letting him know I’m okay.

    I also have three dogs and three cats, so they’re very good support.

  14. Confessing my feelings to someone because of fear that he’s just not interested in me.

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