Where I live the pavement is covered in stones that have come from driveways and it seems no one sweeps them back on but to me it seems a bit anti social to just leave them

  1. Drives me mad. But the owners do sweep them back on every now again 🤷🏻‍♀️

  2. There’s an ancient Chinese proverb that says, “he who owns gravel drive must keep stones of pavement”

    There’s also a curse for when you don’t want to go for something as as extreme as “may all your rabbits die and may you never sell the hutch” theres the more common, “may your gravel be forever in the street “

  3. It’s not just anti-social, it can be dangerous. Bicycles and motorcycles don’t work well on loose gravel, and stones kicked up by tyres can damage vehicles. Anyone with a gravel drive that isn’t properly maintained and secured should be liable for any damage or accidents.

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