My long term Fwb (almost a year) has just told me that she’s married. We met on a dating app and she goes to university in the city that I live in. Her husband lives in a different part of the UK so she was able to keep it a secret. I love this women and my feelings have grown stronger for her the more we met. We have both told each other we love them so I decided to ask her if we could be more than ‘just friends’. She told me she was married but still wanted to meet. I’m torn, I love her so much but I hate the thought of her cheating. What do I do?

  1. She’s not available to you. She just isn’t. Anyone making a conscious effort to cheat in the way she is, isn’t looking for a new primary relationship. She’s not leaving her husband for you. You’re a side piece.

    Also: I assume you’ve never cheated or been cheated upon because if you had, you wouldn’t be party to the chaos and pain that will be the fallout when this affair is eventually revealed. If you continue, you are knowingly participating in causing harm to a stranger. This man has done nothing to do. So why would you give yourself permission to participate in harming him? If you want to be selfish here then own it. But there is no end of this story where you can claim innocence or righteousness if you continue.

  2. Break it off ASAP. There are plenty of single people out there to have sex with. She’s a cheater and a liar. Not only is she cheating on her husband but she clearly misled you for a year. You are developing feelings for her but you can never trust her because if she’s willing to cheat with you, she’ll be willing to cheat on you.

  3. You will always be her side bit. Even if she leaves her husband, if she cheated with you, she’ll cheat on you.

    So you can either break up with her and go on your way, break up and tell her husband, or keep going and enter witness protection when her husband finds out/comes after you.

    Bc the cheating on spouse ALWAYS finds out.

  4. You put yourself in her husband’s shoes. Cut that shit off dude. She’s obviously not reciprocating your feelings and it’s gonna fuck with you until you cut her off.

    Also, tell her husband. He deserves to know what a piece of shit his wife is.

  5. I will be nice….

    You are part of a life shattering…home wrecking…heartbreaking situation.

    Karma is a mother fucker. So expect the scales to be balanced at some point in your life…and you will deserve it.

    You need to break it off now!

    The world is full of single, available women. Find one.

    And know…if she did divorce her husband and you two become a couple…the chances of her cheating on you and about 98%. Did you think about that?

    So yeah…you will get what you deserve.

  6. Cheating on her husband and lying to you for a year. She sucks, give her the boot and begin healing.

  7. Take note she’s married and cheating. Past behavior is a good indicator of future behavior.

  8. You end it… there is only heartbreak here for you. So unless you are masochist, rip the bandaid off now.

    Also, think of it this way. Let’s say she did want to be with you…. She just showed you that she is deceptive and a liar. Is that really a person you want to give your time to?

  9. Cheaters cheat. No matter gender, religion or politics. She cheats on him, she would cheat on you

  10. Dude she’s been cheating on her husband with you for a year. Time to step up and let her go she wasn’t yours to begin with.

  11. If she leaves him to be yours….. just wait… she will leave you for someone else. Every fucking time, and it is always a shock. I am sorry you fell in love with who you believe she is, but that is all an act, she is playing a part when she is with you, and she will hurt you too, just as she ( and you , if you knowingly continue) are doing to her husband. Please step away, get pissed off and cry… do what you need to do, but get away from this situation.

  12. If she’s cheating you on him, eventually she’ll cheat on you. Run AWAY from heartbreak, not TOWARD heartbreak. This person wants attention in unhealthy ways.

    Worst case this guy might find out about you and literally try to end your life for ‘taking what he perceives to be his.’

  13. She’s married and you’re catching feelings for her.

    I would back far far away from this one. Even if she leaves her husband for you and no drama or violence ensues, you have a cheater for a partner, who both cheated on her husband and didn’t inform you that you were her cheating partner. She would likely cheat on you.

  14. You need to stop pining after this woman romantically ASAP. She didn’t just happen to cheat on her husband, she *orchestrated* the situation and kept mum about it for over a year. If she’s willing to cheat with you for over a year without mentioning it, she’s willing to cheat **on you** without mentioning it. The idea that you’re somehow more worthy of her truthfulness than her husband is predicated on a biased, skewed narrative from one-side of a marriage.

    You clearly don’t want to hear it from your replies, but you need to organize evidence of your affair (text messages, travel itineraries, things that would back up the voracity of what went down), track down her husband, and share this information with him. That’s the route any legitimately decent man would attempt.

    If she leaves her husband for you, the foundation of your relationship will be forever built on deception and lies. At the bare minimum you should stop seeing her and move on to someone who treats their FWB’s and romantic partners with even a modicum of respect.

  15. You want to be something more to her?

    Spoiler: she already cheated on you by not telling You She’s married. Also her husband. Just imagine the possibilities.

    Ggwp m8, run Forrest, GET TO THE CHOPPA!

  16. Let her go. Just enjoy the time you had and appreciate her for the pleasures you and her shared. Move on with your life. It will be a memory to look back on when your older and it will always bring a smile and good feeling to you. Cherish the moments.

  17. She’ll cheat on you too. And she isn’t gonna leave her husband for you to even have that opportunity. Im sure she has told you she loves you. She also tells her husband she loves him and tells him she’s loyal.. cmon now

  18. Why isn’t the title of your post: “I just found out the woman I’m in love with is married”?

    If you’re telling each other “I love you”, that’s not a FWB situation.

    I’m sorry this happened to you. Time to move on.

  19. You’ve developed feelings for the person you thought she was not the person she’s shown herself to be. Leave if you can

  20. If you don’t cut it off immediately, you’re just as scummy as she is.

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