my boyfriend and i had sex for the first time, i think, but the thing is that when he penetrated me, he said he didn’t feel anything down there, the first time i tried to penetrate him and it hurt so bad and had to stop but this time it was a little better for me. but he didn’t feel anything i’m kinda confused. in my head he should be able to feel something because im very tight as we were both virgins. can someone help explain this to be and how to be better? p.s. we had quite a bit of foreplay before hand and i was very wet so that’s not the issue, it went in he just didn’t feel it.

  1. Do you know if he watches porn or masterbate regularly? It could possibly be “death grip syndrome” where a guy masterbates with such a strong grip, that a regular vagina will feel loose to them. They are so used to their tightness that’s the only thing that can get him off.

  2. Guys masterbate with their hand so they get used to a certain amount of friction. In other words, the friction keeps him aroused. If he was wearing a condom, he wasn’t feeling any friction at all because the vagina is smooth and slippery when wet. He could feel anything because their wasn’t any friction.

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