Okay so to clarify I’m thinking about taking some of my NBA and NFL jerseys to vegas and other places with me (Celtics and 49ers lol) and was just wondering what all of your perception on this is as I know out culture is kinda weirded out and can take offence by different teams in different cities lol, I know it’s the off season so no teams will actually be playing so I it’s not like I’m wearing them into stadiums but I just wanna know what the culture of sports is like in a America:) any insight would be great!

  1. I doubt anyone is going to care particularly in Las Vegas which is full of tourist and people from out of state anyway.

  2. You can usually wear any jersey in any city at any time and be absolutely fine. In the off season, doubly so. We don’t really have that kind of sports culture here, where you would catch serious flak for wearing the wrong logo in the wrong place. We have gangs for that instead, like a proper country.

  3. America doesn’t have the same hooligan sports culture that some of Europe has. You won’t be attacked, you won’t be hassled. You may get a little friendly ribbing if you wear a rival sports team’s gear in one of the more sports-obsessed areas, but that’s it.

  4. I understand why you’d think so, from Britain, but it’s very unlikely that you’d be in a situation where team colors would get you in trouble. You’ll be fine.

  5. Even in a sports bar specific to one team you’ll be ok wearing a different jersey, even during a game.

    Our sports culture involves a lot of talking but no real violence.

  6. We don’t have hooligans you’re not gonna get your ass beat for wearing a Packers jersey in Chicago or a Yankees jersey in Boston, just some ribbing if anything.

  7. Let me ask you, are you a fan of the team and able to hold a conversation about them? I’m not saying this to gatekeep, but rather to save you from a possible awkward interaction where someone sees the jersey and tries to talk about past seasons or upcoming draft picks.

    Beyond that, no one will care.

  8. Perfectly fine. It’s a rather normal thing to do. It’s actually something that Americans find shocking overseas when they find out you can wear certain team logos in certain cities.

  9. It’s okay. You’ll probably get some comments and nods from other fans of the same țeam and maybe some gentle boo’s from fans of rival teams, but it’s all done in friendliness and mostly no one will say anything about it.

  10. Some cities are worse about it than others, off the top of my head Philadelphia and Boston.

    Regardless it wont go beyond simple trash talk unless you decide to escalate it but even then its not even close to some places where people literally murder over sports.

    There is a thing in certain parts of los angeles tho where some sports team hats are affiliated with gangs

  11. Vegas doesn’t have a basketball team and most people here hate the Raiders so you are good to go.

  12. Yes. You can even sit in the same section with fans from the other team.

  13. Totally fine.

    You may have someone make a passing comment that the team you’re wearing sucks or rocks, but most people won’t bat an eye.

  14. Celtics rival is the Lakers. So if you’re in L.A. you might get some ribbing, but no one’s gonna jump you over it.

    And anywhere else people will probably not even notice.

    I’m less familiar with who if any major rivals the 49ers have but you’d still probably be fine.

    Honestly the only sports rivalry I know of that routinely sees some violence is Red Sox vs Yankees. And even then it’s usually only getting violent if you’re at Fenway during a championship game or something.

  15. No one will care. You may get some people wanting to talk to you about the related sports, teams, or the places they’re from. You may get some friendly ribbing if you’re in a rival area. Otherwise, I doubt anyone will even notice.

  16. I mean if you wear a New York jersey in Boston or vice versa you’ll get some people talking shit but sports rivalries here are friendly, nobody is going to try to fight you or anything.

    In Vegas nobody is going to care what you’re wearing.

  17. I went to a sports bar to watch a national championship. I didn’t know till I got there that it had been taken over by the other team’s fans. I was the only one rooting for what I saw as the good guys.

    Out of a few hundred people there, one guy was drunk and mildly rude. The rest would tease me when they scored and boo me I celebrated my team’s scores.

    My team won and many people csme up to congratulate me, remind me that they had almost won, and promised that next year would be different. We all went on our way with no worries.

  18. The short answer is, yes, that is definitely ok.

    In cities like Vegas, New York and Washington DC that draw a lot of tourists from all over the country, it’s even more of a non-issue. You could probably spot jerseys for all 32 NFL teams in one single casino on an NFL Sunday in Vegas.

  19. You may get a bit of banter from people who support rival teams or a word of encouragement here or there, but it’s generally considered fine to wear jerseys of any American team anywhere at any time.

    It might even be a good way to strike up a conversation or two, as people will often comment on a team they like or the place they’re from. When they hear your accent, they may be curious as to how you are a fan of the team.

    Always good to know a bit about the teams you’re wearing, so as to not look like a poser. 🙂

  20. Hi, yay I live in a extremely “sports loving city”…. According to some people (?)

    Idgaf… none of my friends give one about sports…

    Your probably fine

  21. In big tourist cities, I don’t think people really notice unless it’s a team they love or hate. If they hate it, they might say something off color, but that’s about the size of it. You have to work really hard to get into a fight over something like that here usually… it involves a lot of drunk back-and-forth before it becomes anything.

  22. Cardinals/Cubs is considered a rivalry but good lord is it a polite one. Been to a handful at Busch and these two fanbases I think love each other. They love making fun of each other but still chummy at the end of the day. I think it’s because, especially in the southern 2/3 of Illinois, the two fanbases live amongst each other.

  23. Your good bro, the most you’ll get is friendly banter. No one is gonna try to fight you unless you bring that energy.

    Edit: unless you’re in Philadelphia or Baltimore.
    Eagles lose, city burns, eagles win, city burns.

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