So recently, I met someone in high school, and I’ve gotten really close to them. However, since I’m leaving for college after summer and they still more high school to do, we won’t be seeing each other as often as we did in high school.
Because of this, our friendship from now on will be primarily online.

I’ve never had an online friend before so this is very new to me. I very much want to keep this friend in my life, so I’m asking how you folks keep your online friendships going. How often do you talk? How long? What activities are viable for keeping touch online?

1 comment
  1. Friends will come and go, sometimes becoming very close, sometimes drifting completely apart, for the rest of your life. People grow and change in their ways of thinking and behavior and there is no way to predict what will happen – BUT – if you share a few common qualities like keeping it real, making positive choices consistently and truly enjoy conversation with one another, there’s a solid chance you will be able to keep up appearances with your friends even if the time between seeing each other is far apart. My best friend, made since 2nd grade when we fought over how long he borrowed my Paperboy game for Super Nintendo, lives across the country. We see each other about 2-3 times per year, and make a conscious effort to call one another every couple of weeks. You can never strategize a relationship and how it develops, but you can put real human effort into every conversation and shared experiences, those are the qualities that keep people connected for years.

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