How big a part of your childhood were Disney movies and theme parks? How big a part of your adulthood are they?

  1. Big part of my childhood. I grew up mostly in the 90s and Disney animation in the 90s was synonymous with quality.

    As an adult I’ve watched Disney destroy several of the franchises that I used to love and cherish. Take a look at my username. I used to love Star wars.

  2. Pretty big, grew up watching the movies and my family went to Disney every year with all the cousins.

    As an adult? I like rollercoasters and am excited to take my kids one day.

  3. My siblings and I quoted Disney shows and movies, but that was basically the extent of our involvement. We didn’t go to any theme parks or Disney premieres.

    As an adult, I have the Disney Plus app, but I haven’t used it in months. My little brother is really into animation so he talks about Disney pretty often and I can hold a conversation with him. But that’s about it.

  4. Never been to a Disney park. I liked Aladdin and Lion King when I was a kid.

    Disney (not including other brands owned by Disney) plays no role in my adult life

  5. Small part as a child. Now that all the non Disney stuff I liked as a child has been bought up by Disney I guess I consume more Disney stuff as an adult.

  6. I was born in 1974. I was familiar with a number of Disney movies but I did not really have merchandise or toys from the movies. We did not have a vcr until I was about 12 years old and did not have a dvd player until I was done with college I think. We just saw the movies in the theater or on regular broadcast tv. My family made a trip to Disney World when I was about 2-3 years old. I remember very little about the park.

    As an adult I had a child who consumed more Disney content and had toys and such. We have their streaming service. We watch Disney stuff sometimes. I have not been to any of the Disney theme parks as an adult.

  7. I took a few trips to Disney World during my childhood, that was about it. I lost interest in all things Disney as an adult until I had a child who loved the Disney Princesses. We’ve taken her to Disney World twice.

  8. Huge part of my childhood, I grew up during the Disney Renaissance in the 90’s and my parents took us to WDW more than 10 times

  9. Watched the movies as small child and watched a few with younger siblings. Lived in SoCal whole life but my family really didn’t do Disneyland that often maybe once every 5 years. There’s tons of theme parks near us and honestly Disneyland is my least favorite. I haven’t been in over decade and don’t plan to go anytime soon. I do still visit theme parks like Universal Studios and Six Flags but really no interest on Disneyland.

  10. I am in my 50s but had a pretty poor childhood so going to the movies wasn’t a thing and they didn’t take me to Disney.

    I went to the movies one time with my family, and that was Star Wars. My dad took me because my cousins were going. It’s Disney now but wasn’t then.

    There was no Disney channel. No cartoon channel. There was the Wonderful World of Disney but that was on Sunday nights when 60 minutes was on so I never got to watch it.

    As an adult:

    We watched some of the old Disney movies with the kid – and I took my kids and my mom to Disneyworld many times. [Family is in Florida so while there we always went to Disney]

    We have the Disney channel now, and Disney owns some franchises we like so it’s a fair part of my kids life. But my kids never were into rewatching a movie, like some kids, and I never just played them to keep them busy. The only one they’ve seen more than one or twice is Tangled, because I made them watch it like 5 times over the years because I love it. Some kid are SO into and wear the costumes and stuff. I have 3 boys and they sorta didn’t know half the characters when we went to Disney.

    We def aren’t a “Disney family”, but I like to entertain my kids so we’ve seen a fair amount of Disney stuff. As a family we are probably more into Studio Ghibli stuff. None of my kids are into the parks and we think it’s a bit of a low value vacation, so that isn’t our thing.

    I know my mom (born in the 1920s) saw Snow White, Dumbo, Cinderella, and Bambi when they came out.

  11. I’m from Florida. Generally, we went to a theme park at least once a year, usually Disney. Although I have been to several theme parks that no longer exist. I remember when we got cable and the Disney channel was a premium add on that I begged my parents to add. Before the Disney channel we would often watch the Disney movies on ABC. Lots of classics watched that way.

    As an adult? Well, I work there, so I’d go with it’s a large part of adulthood as well.

  12. Grew up in Orlando. We didn’t have cable and I didn’t really watch many Disney movies or shows. I did however have annual passes for Disney when I was a kid.

    As I got older it was probably a bigger part of my life. I have lots of friends and family who work for the company. I’ve spent lots of time at the theme parks. My wife and I have had annual passes together. But we haven’t had any for a while. I actually haven’t been back in close to 10 years. My wife and her mom went last year I think.

  13. Not at all. Wasn’t allowed in my house.

    And now as an adult I’ve seen some. Still have no desire to visit the parks though

  14. We went a couple times to the theme park. Aladdin and the Lion King were both big movies in my household, and those two video games were played a lot.

    But I had aged out by the time they were doing a lot of their direct-to-video sequels.

  15. I’ve never been to a Disney park. I wanted to go to one when I was a kid because so many of my friends had been to one. But I don’t really like theme parks and I didn’t really like them back then either.

  16. Moderate for childhood movies, went to a Disney theme park once as a child. As an adult, Disney plays a very small part regarding movies and for theme parks, I haven’t been back nor do I have the desire to.

  17. Born in 1998, I watched a few Disney movies but I remember they were a much bigger deal for my older siblings. I went to Disneyworld once when I was 7, but I was more excited to go to Seaworld and had more fun at Universal. Nickelodeon > Disney Channel > Cartoon Network.

    As an adult, none. I get Disney+ free with my cell service but I mostly just watch YouTube videos or the same three HBO shows (Sopranos, The Wire, Rome) over and over again. Don’t engage much with any Disney properties.

  18. In my childhood there were some classic movies I was a fan of such as the Sword and the Stone and Smart House.

    As an adult, I like star wars and marvel.

  19. Once a week, it was Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom, then Wonderful World of Disney.

    Never been to a park though. Don’t generally care for Disney productions these days. I think Frozen was the last thing they did that I liked.

  20. Huge. I grew up in Southern California so we were annual pass holders to Disneyland. Every special occasion was spent at Disney, there was one summer where my mom and I went every Wednesday. The princesses knew my name. Pretty special thing for a shy, lonely kid to have access to growing up. I even worked there for a couple years.

    I’ve since moved across the country so I’m way less entrenched in Disney, but I have a few Disney knick-knacks around my house & I’ll occasionally watch the 90s movies and shows. Not really a fan of most things they’ve put out recently. I have plenty of criticisms of the company (that I probably wouldn’t have if I hadn’t worked there) but it gave me some lovely childhood memories that I’ll always hold close.

  21. Since I became an adult, not so much. But since they bought Star Wars and Marvel, it’s kind of hard to ignore them.

  22. I know I watched some Disney movies growing up, but didn’t really remember them. I’ve since watched all the classics. We also went to Disney World when I was really young, don’t remember that outside of eating a bunch of churros.

    As an adult, well, call it an obsession. My family goes to Disney World every year and my wife is a Disney travel agent.

  23. I went to a Disney park once when I was maybe 7. Disney is irrelevant to my adult life.

    Doing a quick and incomplete scroll of this [list of Disney movies](, I’d estimate that I’ve seen 60% of them with a high concentration from the 1990s and 2000s. I haven’t seen any of them from the 2020s.

    I’ve never subscribed to the Disney streaming service and could not name a currently popular Disney show.

  24. I grew up in Philly so we went to the Hershey Parks.
    I watch many of the Disney movies as did most people.

    Our Corporation in LA had their annual picnic in the Disney park that’s about it as far as adulthood

  25. My Dad worked at Disneyland and had friends that could get us in for free so during the 80s-90s it was a cool thing we would get to do every few months. Even as a adult the Disneyland Tickets in 1996 were only $35 for a one day pass. But then I joined the military and moved away and I haven’t been in forever. I have made pilgrimages out to WDW a few times with my kids and to Universal in both California and Florida. I have also been to a ton of regional parks and six flags parks over the years and they all have their charms and remind me just a little bit of the park that started them all…

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