Tl;dr: Guy I’ve been dating is possibly seeing my coworker (although idk for sure—they suddenly follow one another on social media) and it’s making me really insecure in us dating. I’m afraid he’ll drop me, and he’s one of the few guys I’ve been compatible with since like 2 years of dating.

I know it’s pretty common especially with online dating but it has me really worried. We’ve talked a bunch through text/phone/gaming together and so far have went on a date last week. It went really well, surprisingly, and he said he had fun. One of the few people i’ve dated that I had a genuine connection/common interest with. He mentioned going to some place the next time but i’m not sure if I should initiate this next date or wait for him? Don’t wanna come off needy.

but I went to his instagram and I noticed he started following my coworker who’s really hot. This was shocking to me, but I chalked it up to maybe they exchanged accounts thru the dating app. I know my coworker used this dating app in the past, but the last time we spoke she said she was probably going to slowly get back together with her ex. It wasn’t a definitive thing though, so things may have changed this past few months. Also, a while ago she mentioned deleting that dating app because of how terrible the men were on there.

Idk am I overthinking this? Should I just stop thinking about it since it’s so early… We just started to flirt more and he even said that he wanted me which I thought ok maybe he really does like me, and that I should ask to hang out again but I’m afraid he’ll make an excuse if he’s seeing other people. I know I shouldn’t care because it’s not like we’re together and a lot of people do date multiple people but knowing it could be a woman who’s objectively prettier and more cool than I am makes me insecure😭 and it sucks because I haven’t met anyone I’ve had as much common interest/compatibility with so I really hope something comes of this, it’s hard to find likeable guys in my area.

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