So I’ve been talking to my mates sister because all her friends and brother told me she talks about me non stop and really likes me, I’ve been talking to her for a little now and her brother told me she still talks about me non stop. I like the girl but her replies by text are so dry… I was told I make her really nervous and she’s not the best socially but I feel like I’m doing 90% of the work… any advice? I was thinking about replying to her less then just talking to her when she gets back home (they’ve gone away for a bit) but idk how to play it…

  1. Have you asked her out or gone on a date yet? Maybe she’s waiting for you to ask her out…

    If she’s being dry then you don’t even have to continue the conversation. There’s no point in trying to make and push something that isn’t there. She sounds immature bro.

  2. I usually just stop entirely because I can’t stand dry replies. Sometimes I’ll just try and get them out on a date as soon as possible.

  3. Honestly I don’t have time for dry replies… girl I talked to did this a lot and I moved on… if you don’t act interested, than I don’t waste my time for one word texts…

  4. Have you tried calling to talk on the phone? I’m not a texter at all but I’ve learned to start telling people that up front. If they can’t handle not texting me then they aren’t the one bc I’ve tried to change it but there’s just no way I can keep up conversations through text.

  5. How about FaceTime or a phone calls? Some people suck at conveying their thoughts through text

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