Hi bros,I am 21 and I am very confused in life, I don’t know what will be my future, currently I am doing a job in MNC, And I kinda hate it, I work on SAP And I don’t like it. So my work life is also annoying to me, I don’t have any routine,
I wakes up, do work eat and sleep, sometimes I play cs go or fifa or pes, I don’t have any girlfriend. I have 2 best male friends, but now they also annoy me, most of the time I don’t want to talk to them, they act like smart asses who have figured out everything, So now I am reconsidering that can I call them my friends, if not then I am totally alone, no social life what so ever, I had a crush of one girl, and I was so attracted to her that I drew her, wrote poems about her, she told me sorry, because she is going to get married soon, i wrote a 6 page letter to her explaining my every feeling towards her, she said “thank you for making me feel so special”, when I did all this i wasn’t thinking very clearly and was in love, but now it seems very cringey, or is it? I don’t know, but I feel embarrassed, I don’t even know what I am writing now, I have no clear idea. I am just confused.

  1. You’re confused because you’re 21. My best advice is to become comfortable with who you actually are. Figure out what you actually like, instead of what you think you’re supposed to like. Do not squander your youth, you will not get these years back. Seize opportunities, take risks.

  2. At 21 you probable need to seek a mentor if you feel completely lost an confused. Somebody that can be a person to share with you real life experiences they have in your area for who you are. Other wise random people online are going to be giving you random ass advice that probable wont help.

  3. Bro if you truly write that 6 page letter for yourself, then you won’t ask this question In reddit! And the past life we tell about ourselves isn’t even 50% true. We try to guess, we try to make outcomes, we try to resist. Also I want to spend more time writing this comment when compared to the past because I was also confused and that type of state of being reminds us that we need change.

    And the state where you’re is not a state of Survival or suffering but if you stay there for a long time, It may become suffering for you.

    1) Hate will always bring you hateful situations, not joy !

    2) People treat us by how we speak and behave to them. And that behaviour comes from how we think about ourselves and how we feel about ourselves !

    3)True friends always stay in any situation until you value his or her friendship. Try not to blame anyone, if you fail to value their friendship.

    4) Show me one thing that has 100% order and perfection ? [If anyone finds it, how long would you take to find it? ]

    5)There is no wrong feeling or no wrong emotion ! But it became wrong when we felt continuously. Can you survive in this world without fear ?

    6)While writing this I mostly think about myself and my situation, not you ! So no one will think completely about you and don’t come to change you, the only thing they can do is to help you, if you’re truly willing to change !

    7)If you can see your bright future, that means you’re out of the program or conditions in your life !

    8) I don’t know much about chemistry, but I think a strong bond between two atoms is more difficult to break than a weak bond between two atoms ! Find and build strong bonds between peoples in relationships because the human body is made up of atoms !

    9)I spent more time writing this even though I am confused, but I wrote a whole paragraph and suppose if you see reading this as a waste of time, I don’t feel it as waste Because of the factor of self respect that a man needs.
    You feel love for her and she can’t, no problem but don’t allow your emotions to take control over your self respect next time. And this doesn’t means you don’t want to Love her. Love her but don’t disturb.

    10) love yourself man, because there is greatness within you and all around you. You can only find it in your true self.

    At last I didn’t change myself completely and I still have many problems that are even more difficult than yours, but believing in ourselves is believing in our own capabilities which opens the door of possibilities.

  4. Sounds like you have an excess of chaos in your life, read “12 rules for life” by Dr Jordan Peterson. This book helped me when I was 21 and aimless so maybe it will help you too. I listened to it on audiobook while driving and working.

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