Had my first sex yesterday it was pretty chill. Basically, got hard and all that, but when i put to put a condom on, my erection got weak. Took it off said i cant do it with a condom. Lost erection and thought thats it. But i fingered her a lil and got hard again. Went raw didnt finish even after 20 minutes (i thought id be done in first 5 seconds)

Someone explain to me wtf happened and what do i do, i want to use a condom next time, pills are expensive

(Also she was too tight to put it in, got relaxed after 10 minutes or so, didnt know that could happen)

  1. Raw dogging a girl while losing your virginity and not finishing instantly? I’m impressed

  2. Stress can prevent climax, if your mind was overstimulated from the condom fiasco it can make it difficult to finish. Also work on putting a condom on, if you take to long you’re gonna lose focus on the moment. If it took a while to insert that’s natural for a first time especially if she is a virgin as well. Try using lube and go slow, you don’t need to make it painful for her as well.

  3. Do you smoke/vape, or use SSRI’s? Those can cause issues with climaxing and erections. Or it could be anxiety.

  4. Foreplay! Always foreplay first and let the ladies get aroused. That helps with the wetness and tightness. Also helps her to relax and not get hurt. Sex is supposed to be fun for both parties. And don’t worry if you go limp that’s normal too. Just cuddle, make out or take a break and jump back in. And like the others said practice putting condoms on privately. You have to get the size that fits you they aren’t one size fits all. And I agree on the other comments too about porn. If you watch porn a lot it has an impact in real life. Things will get better. Practice makes perfect. You have plenty of time to get the swing of things.

  5. Have you practiced putting them on in the dark? I’d recommend it. If it’s a more seamless transition, that might help. I would also recommend SLOW foreplay for your female partner if it was too difficult for initial insertion. I have had a few partners that did not want to take their time… makes for painful sex! Sometimes a little stimulation with the hands BEFORE trying PIV can help too. Lube is also friend.

  6. Do you watch a lot of porn/jack off often? Usually that leads to more ED problems, but I’ve also read that intensely jacking off can cause some guys to have problems with finishing as well.

  7. Happens to me. It doesn’t take much to get out of the mood, and putting a condom on isn’t exactly the sexiest thing. So if she knows how to put it on, it’ll help you relax more, and thus keep your erection easier. The only other alternative is to learn how to put in on faster. But you want to make sure it’s on properly.

  8. Too much jacking off and potentially porn use. Your body has been conditioned to get off on something entirely different. Avoid touching yourself and watching porn (which shouldn’t be too hard if you’re seeing women)

  9. If a girl is too tight it’s because she wasn’t turned on enough. Always use a condom. The “I can’t use them” is always a lie so learn to because more women will want protection. It can be scary having your first time and very intimidating. Fore play is a big thing for women that most men don’t bother with. Be considerate about her pleasure and take your time. Learn to trust your body. Practice putting on a condom when you’re by yourself. Also pre cum can still get a woman pregnant. Be careful. I’m sure you knew about a lot of that but it’s a great idea to learn female anatomy as well because you can pleasure a woman better.

  10. I had the same problem as you!!! It took me 2 hours to cum my first time. Probably because of nerve’s, also I jerked off a lot so it was desensitized

  11. Congrats! That’s all the input I have. I have ed and pills are pretty much the only thing that helps

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