16f in a politicly conservative state. I’m on mobile and I absolutely cannot let my parents see this before they take my phone before bed so sorry for any mistakes Almost all of the people in my town belong to one of three churches, myself and my bf (17m) included. They are different denominations but all Christian. These people are very very religious. I love Jesus and try to follow his path but the people in my town are kind of awful. I do think they mean well but they’re all so angry all the time.

My bf’s dad is an elder in the church my family belongs to, and he’s just straight up not a nice man. Bf’s mom seems nice but I hear her gossiping a lot and it’s always so harsh.

My bf is really kind to me and doesn’t believe a lot of the gender role stuff that our church teaches and actually were really looking forward to hopefully going to college out of state.

My bf’s sister, 20f, hates me and she’s really obvious about it. She’s literally never even said hello to me. She’s always scowling. During services her eyes are always closed super tight and she just sways, I feel like she’s trying to look the most pious. I know she wanted to go to college out of state but her father forbade it and said if she wanted an education the local community college would be fine.

Anyway today I was at their house and bf’s dad and mom were literally celebrating the news about roe v. Wade. His sister looked even more miserable than normal. Bf, sister and l watching the news in the living room when my bf got up to go to the bathroom. As soon as he left the room his sister grabbed my arm and said very seriously and very quietly: “do you need birth control pills?”

My bf and I do have sex and we have to pull out because our parents look through our rooms so we can’t have condoms. I thought she was trying to trap me but I was thinking lately that if I got pregnant that would really suck so much, and I wouldn’t even know how to go about getting an ab*ortion even if it was legal so isaid yes really quickly.

My bf came back in the room and kissed my hand and his sister groaned and left the room.

Now I’m scared she’s going to tell bf’s parents I want birth control! Why else would she be asking??? My life will literally be ruined if my parents find out I’m not a virgin, they’ll homeschool me and I won’t be able to go to college.

tl;dr – bf’s super religious sister asked me if I needed birth control pills while the rest of the family was celebrating roe vs wade being dead, was it a trap???

  1. Spin it like you need them for regulation or something maybe? That you misunderstood the context?

  2. If a a draft opinion, it’s not yet law.

    You do need birth control. Pulling out isn’t good enough.

    At least use condoms. Have friends hide them for you, only use one from the pack and throw the rest away, whatever. Or stick to oral sex.

    If/when you do get pregnant, look into the auntie network. You will have extra problems because you are a minor and may not be eligible.

    Stop having unprotected sex or you will trap yourself.

  3. Pull out method is EXTREMELY unsafe. I understand you’re in a bad situation, but you might want to explore other types of sex that aren’t PIV instead of relying on a famously unreliable method, especially now.

    You can spin it as period control if you want, but it’s also possible that she just doesn’t hate you enough to want to see you die in childbirth

  4. Just deny it and say she lied. People probably know she isn’t she isn’t your friend, so why would you tell her such a personal thing <I’m not judging you for telling her; I’m saying that can be part of your defense.

    No matter what happens, you will age out of being under your parents’ legal control. You will escape one day and be your own person.

  5. If you can’t use any form of contraception, then you need to just not have sex. Pulling out is NOT good enough. You at the very least need one of you using protection.

  6. I think she’s trying to look out for you. She’s letting you know that serious sh!t is coming down the pike and your choices about what you can do with your body are going to be limited. Get on the pill and stash condoms somewhere. I don’t think she’s gonna tell anyone.

  7. Stop having unprotected sex. The pull-out method is not a contraceptives and you will never get away from your small, conservative town by becoming yet another teenage parent.

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