I (24F) have been single for a year.

I wish I could enjoy my single life more but I do feel I’m not single by choice. I haven’t had anyone really show me much interest romantically – even dating apps have been exhausting with little to no signs of future dates which has really destroyed my self esteem.

It’s hard not to compare myself to all my friends (21-23F) who have dating updates, are in long term relationships , or always getting attention when we go out together.

Because I’m struggling, it feels like it’s all I hear about these days, and it hurts seeing how easy it seems for everyone else but me.

I think the worst part is that I’m starting to resent my friends for it, and I hate how these negative thoughts are changing me as a person. The last thing I want to do is take my shitty attitude out on the people I love.

Before I act out in a way I regret, I’d like to find other ways in seeing my lack of dating stories in a more positive mindset and how to healthily process these feelings of jealousy.

I am in the process of getting therapy but I just feel right now there must be something wrong with me.

TL;DR : lacking any dating stories in a friend group has caused self-esteem issues. How do I deal with my jealousy ?

1 comment
  1. Everyone has different timelines etc, don’t overthink or focus entirely on being with someone just for the sake of it. Ask an impartial person to review your profile online maybe? Don’t value yourself as a partner value yourself as an individual IMO. Am a guy if that matters and

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