My partner (27m) and I (27f) have been dating for 6 months, and have talked seriously about a married future together. This is both our second relationship, my first being positive but mutually-decided to end due to different life goals, and his from a very long term tumultuous one. I feel like I ask more of him than he asks of me, and that there’s nothing substantial I can really “do” for him, leaving me feeling “unneeded”.

For background: in my previous relationship, my partner had depression and I was able to support them in both encouragement (eg, pushing them to finish their degree and go on to grad school) and life management (eg, cooking, cleaning, helping find furniture for a new apt). Of course there were times when this was stressful, but I genuinely enjoyed being able to make a positive impact on my partner and support them. It really added to a feeling that they needed me (not in an “I can’t function without you” way, but that I added to their success, made an impact on them), and I felt comfortable asking for help and support from him as well. I helped him in his low points, and he helped me in mine.

Current: My current partner is a great man, smart and funny, self-reliant, and I can tell that he cares for me and will be a great husband/father one day. My issue is that I have a growing feeling that I ask much more of him than he asks of me. It feels unbalanced, and makes me uncomfortable to bring up problems I’m having with him, since he never seems to have any “problems” with me. I feel like I am the only one asking for help on things he doesn’t like to do, (eg, helping me with dishes) or asking to improve things in our relationship (eg, communicating more, sexual compatibility, etc). But anytime I ask him what I can help him with, or if there’s anything I could be doing better as a partner, he always says there’s nothing. Even yesterday, I was cooking dinner while he gamed, and asked if there was anything I could make for him. He said no, and then when I went in to watch a show, he went out and made himself dinner on his own, even after I asked again if there was any way I could help.

I think relationships should be able to lean on their partner, and ask them for helping things they might not do on their own. And I love that he is self-sufficient, and whether I was there or not, he would be fine. But I guess that’s a bit of the issue: logical or not, I’m feeling like he doesn’t “need me” for helping anything, so I both am asking more of him than he asks of me, and it wouldn’t matter that much if I wasn’t there.

I’m unsure if this is a real problem that I should try to bring up to him, or if I’m completely in my head and it’s me who should be trying to change wanting a feeling of being “needed”. Has anyone else been in an imbalanced relationship in this way? How did you solve it? Or did you have to try to get rid of this mindset?

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