Ive been working night shift 10pm to 7am full time for almost 2 years now and i feel like its negativity affected my social skills and overall view point on day to day life. Ive asked my dad for advice explaining how all i want is a simple night out for a few beers with friends or to go to a concert and he will respond with well keep working or i literally have no response for you your a adult. He worked as a corrections officer for almost 30 years so he is somewhat hardened from his career choice. He told me he dosent understand todays worker rights/work life balance stuff. I just feel like a pessimist asshole anymore and i get dirty looks when i buy beer at my local sheetz at 7 in the morning. A lady with her kids gave me the dirtiest fucking look yesterday morning when i bought a 12 pack. I always feel a disconnect from society as a whole. I only drink maybe 2 beers every few days btw. I don’t see family anymore and my brother just moved from across the country to a city within 2 hour’s of me but we haven’t even talked on the phone in months. I overall feel isolated, general depression. Anxiety and i take meds for bipolar,adhd its just this fucking shift. I used to love backpacking and i havnt enjoy any camping in 2 years. I have no other option for FULL time employment in my area. Very rural pa. I can’t afford to move and improve my situation with more work opportunities. Im not a scholar type so college is out of the question, im 30 and have a tech school degree but make double the salary of a motorcycle tech while working at a grocery store. Nobody in my life seems to understand what predicament im in except one of my friends also works nights full time in a juvenile detention center as a nighttime security. I feel so stuck in a rut with no escape. I just got back from a week long vacation to Nashville and im already beat down after 2 weeks of work.

1 comment
  1. Sad to say welcome to 30.
    To answer your question yes it sucks
    No it does not get better
    By 40 your gonna just say fuck it

    The only people who will understand are nightshifter and vampires.

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