I’m a boy (bi) and few months ago this guy and I started talking through an dating app and then we started going out together, we started going out together when started summer holidays started ( June) because now I have more time and etc. And we get along so well and we like each other but it’s that thing ,he says he likes you but you don’t feel loved 🙁
Since the day we met he says that he is always busy with work and etc and that he arrives late from work, I understand ,it’s tiring after a long day you just want to get home but it’s not fair for me cuz Every weekend he goes out with his friends and when it’s with me he seems to come up with something just to not go Whenever I ask him if he wants to come see me on the weekend He always says he can’t and that he’s going to be with friends or family (parents, sister). (You’re probably asking “why don’t you leave him and that?”) Well I don’t leave him cuz I’m expecting him to get better and finally give me value and attention and that ,I’m always thinking that I will never get a boy who truly will love me :/ so I don’t want to leave him cuz he does those things but he also gives me words of affirmation and that do I don’t have the courage to leave him but I’m not feeling valuable and I’m feeling just an irrelevant person for him 🙁 I’m afraid I will never get someone, people nowadays are so mean and etc (not everyone ofc) Of course I’m still young and that and I still have a lot of time and one day the right person will come along but with all this I feel sad, I see people my age happy and dating and that are pretty and then there’s me… I just want to be treated well ,I wish he treated me well and valued me …..

Thanks for reading my tedtalk lol jk , My venting <3

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