Im (27M) and I just don’t like sex at all anymore I don’t like I ever liked it I have 2 kids and me and my new gf never had kids and I find it weird thinking about sex or even talking about it is this wrong?

  1. It is ok to not like sex. It’s not ok to force whoever your with to not like sex or live like that.

  2. It is in fact very okay to not like sex, normal, even! You might wanna check out r/asexuality!

  3. If you really just feel neutral or uninterested, that’s also normal and valid! Some people just aren’t into it! Some people identify as asexual, but there are also lots of people who don’t really care about sex and don’t ID as ace.

    If you feel like you *shouldn’t* like it, or if you have feelings of shame about desires you do have, that’s also totally valid, and something a counsellor or therapist could probably help you with. There’s a lot of mixed messaging about sex in the world, and people are complex!

    You contain multitudes and you can do all the not fucking your heart desires.

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