25f I don’t know how to connect with others. I feel so alone constantly, so disconnected from everyone , people in general. Like there’s something I should know, but still haven’t figure out. I’ve never been in a relationship, the closest was a fwb that lasted 3 months. I have one friend. I used to be able to able to talk to but she’s never without her s/o anymore and our friendship hasn’t felt the same in years. Even my family feels so disconnected. I live at home atm and the most we do is eat at the dinner table quietly, then separate into different rooms. The only person I really talk to is my therapist eow.
I’m quiet, introverted, and have been diagnosed with social anxiety. I know I have a wall up and trust issues. I feel trap because of them and don’t know how to get out.
I’m going mad being by myself in my head as much as I am. I feel so lost. I just want someone to help me, to comfort me, to guide me.

  1. I’m sorry for your situation. I strongly recommend volunteering. It gets you out of the house and talking to people but with a purpose. Music festivals are a great place to volunteer. Everyone is in a good mood and you get to see some amazing bands and everyone appreciates you! It is a great way to meet new people. ✨✨
    We all feel similar insecurities. I know that’s hard to believe but it’s true. Take good care!

  2. I’m in the same situation. I have a boyfriend of 8 years and I’m so grateful for him, he’s literally my best friend, but the only friend I got. I keep in touch and meet a former colleague a few times per year, I consider her my friend, but it’s a long distance friendship. Besides her I have a work colleague, whom I used to be friends with when we were in elementary, but we don’t click that much, we’re really different, however I consider her a friend as well. It’s only them. When my boyfriend meets his friends I stay home by myself, I feel like a giant loser and I keep wonder what’s wrong with me. I’ve been trying to invite people whom I used to hang out with years ago but we just leave it at that, that we’re gonna but we aren’t….It didn’t bug me until now….It started to hurt. I don’t know what you can do in this situation besides keep trying, there has to be someone there for you, you’ll meet him/her maybe at work/college or some other environment but you gotta pretend that you have all under control so people would think you are a good presence.

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