especially if you liked her back

  1. Real talk? I’ma hit it. I’ll try not to throw it in his face, but I’m not passing up an opportunity. Plus it’s ultimately her choice. Turning her down when he’s got no shot is basically just self-sacrificial bullshit. If he’s strong enough he’ll understand and get over it.

  2. Hell no. If a man earned the title of bro no women besides my mom, sister, daughter, wife/Gf comes between us.

  3. Awkward!!!

    You don’t want be seeing as the bro eating the other bros’ meal.

    But here is the thing, you only knew she likes you coz you both had a chat, there is no commitment between them both so you two did nothing wrong.

    Even if you do everything by the book, your bro will get mad asf at you.

    She needs to tell him she is into somebody else, depending of the size of her balls she might say she is into one of his friends.

    This is life man, but communication is key, don’t hide anything and voila.

  4. Probably talk to him about it so he can move on to another chick who would be worth his time.

  5. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Bro doesn’t own the crush, if she wants me she wants me 🤷🏻‍♂️

  6. If you smash, it’ll get messy. Your bro won’t be in the right for being messy about it, but he’ll have his feelings regardless and you’re going to have to allow him that much.

    If you both know you guys like each other, I’m guessing you guys talked about it? In which case, maybe she should take the time to tell your bro that she’s not into him. It’s going to suck for him no matter what, but I think it’d be healthier for him to start getting over those feelings sooner than later.

    And finally, no one can hold a claim on someone else. It all has to be based on consent and it sounds like you have it from the girl.

  7. Inform the bro, then see what he thinks

    If he wants me to go for it, I’ll do it. If not then I’ll tell him to ask her out immediately as soon as possible

  8. Bro code homie:

    broship is a sacred bond that can only be shared between heterosexual men. I am interested to hear what you think constitutes a broship, here is my non-exhaustive list.

    1. Bros gotta drink way too much together.

    2. Bros gotta go to strip clubs together and legitimately enjoy the show.

    3. Bros gotta love the same sports teams, or maybe different teams, and enjoy arguing about it.

    4. Bros gotta be able to call each other names without taking offense.

    5. Bros gotta give each other pity HJs, maybe BJs if one or both of the bros had been having a hard time finding a chick, and is starting to feel undesirable.

    6. Bros gotta cuddle on the couch after the BJ and watch “The Bachelorette” while tenderly caressing each other’s bodies.

    7. Bros have to fall asleep on the couch spooning while the big spoon gently caresses the little spoon’s hair, when the little spoon starts to delicately snore the big spoon just smiles to himself, thinking about how lucky he is to have such a great bro.

    8. When the bros wake up in the morning one of the bros just wears the other bro’s dress shirt, with no underwear as he makes pancakes for the both of them. Maybe the other bro bends the bro in his dress shirt over the kitchen counter, and they let the pancakes burn as he slowly enters him from behind.

    9. The bros spend the rest of the day with their legs interlocked on the couch staring deeply into each other’s eyes, occasionally exchanging flirtatious smiles. But they don’t say anything, because they don’t have to. They are so absorbed by each other they forget to eat until that evening. One of the bros, still in the dress shirt with no underwear scrapes the burnt pancakes from the pan, and starts to cook some pork chops. The other bro bends him over the kitchen counter again and this time the pork chops burn.

    10. Bros call their parents to tell them they have discovered something new and wonderful, they arrange to marry in the summer.

    11. Bros call off the wedding after one of them fucks a stripper during his bachelor party.

  9. If you both have a crush on her then why are his feelings more valid? she chose you.

  10. Well, yknow what they say. “Bros before hoes”. You tell him you would never pursue a girl he likes.
    Then you smash her behind his back and hope he never finds out.

  11. Did your bro already make a move? Is no then you tell your bro about that

    If your bro already make a move, just stay away from that girl

  12. Come on man that’s really obvious.

    You would be a huge fucking cunt if you even thought about it.

  13. Probably just ask her out. They aren’t dating, and presumably dude should’ve shot his shot by now.

  14. Oh if they’re not dating at all it’s fair game bro. Sorry but this train has to keep rolling too old chap.

  15. Tell him straight up without being a douche. I never understood the whole “calling dibs on a girl means nobody else can ever be with her” teenage crap. I mean she kinda gets to have her OWN say on who she likes ya know.

    Bro don’t want to see her or you happy than the boys got problems, and is he really a bro?

  16. It’s hard to find a good friend
    I wouldn’t entertain the thought of her

  17. I feel like “crushes” don’t really mean anything once you’re out of middle school.

    Like my dude you really gonna try and claim indefinite dibs on a girl just because you think she’s cute?

    Either make a move or move on and let your boys hit.

  18. So if both you and your bro have a crush on the same girl and she likes you back?

    The 1 and only answer is to talk to your bro and see how he would feel.

    Why would you pass on mutual feelings if theres a chance he would be understanding?

  19. Pass. Friendships come before any potential relationship for me.

    You simply need to decide for yourself if you’re willing to toss a friendship for a girl.

  20. Ignore/ block her. Ain’t no b getting between bros.

    And also tell him that she likes me.

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