Share your experience

  1. That first summer with the only serious girlfriend I’ve had. Unfortunately it all kind went downhill from there but we didn’t end on bad terms. Just weren’t right for each other.

  2. The night my wife and I got together. We were friends for years before we decided to date.

  3. Right before covid restrictions started, I spent a weekend with a woman doing basically nothing but fucking, eating, and watching Netflix. It was a nice weekend, I hope to do something like it again someday.

  4. Having another person weaved into the essence of your being and vic versa, that sense of an extention of “self” with that person.

    Gives a sense of power and stability that makes you realise”this is how life was meant to be handled”

    I’m referring to “when you know, you know” type of Love.

  5. For now, it is feeling of freedom when I ride a motorcycle and it is really therapeutic.

  6. Had anal sex with my wife last night for the first time.

    That was up there.

    (See what I did there?!)

  7. Top five . Marrying my wife, adopting my 3 kids, stopping smoking, getting my professional license and owning a business.

  8. Being fortunate enough to be a SAHM for 10 yrs and watch my two children thrive!!
    BEST experience ever.
    I was blessed for sure.

  9. Some naughty stuff as a kid was about it for me. Life after child hood has been nothing but regrets.

  10. a month where i was workining non stop and earned a lot and that month where i stay at home a watch tv nonstop

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