Okay,so I’m a female 21 and I’m a sag.He is a male Pisces 22. I met him 2 months ago on a club where we just kissed.

We didn’t talk after that for two weeks until he texted me unexpectedly.I met up with him and a friend of mine.after that we cut contact.

2 weeks pass again and he texts me even though he stopped viewing my insta stories.we talk and I leave him on read cause he was being cocky.

2 weeks pass again and he likes my story.He never did it before. A day letter he texts me and he asks to meet up.And we did.He was nothing like the guy I met the previous times.He was overly sexual towards me.
I clearly saw his intentions.
I said this time im done I don’t even care.

Now a week later he liked a story of mine again and I also did to his.He texted me asking me why I liked his story,and we talked. I feel like it’s obvious that his intentions are to have sex with me.But I can’t seem to get over him for some reason.His texts give me anxiety and that’s something I never experienced before.

What’s your guys opinion on This topic?

  1. Sag and Pisces. Hm, based on my calculations, you’ll be fighting soon.

  2. I’m genuinely curious, do women actually take wether a man looked at their story or not as a factor?

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