My husband is 37 years old and also has diabetes type 1. He has a low sex drive which is something me and him both want to change. I am younger and have a high sex drive so I’m always the one trying to get inside his pants. He doesn’t have insurance to get testosterone prescribed. Is there anything else out there we can try to get his drive back? Any remedies, vitamins, supplements?

1 comment
  1. There is a difference between the plumbing working and sex drive. You can have a high sex drive but the plumbing is broken (erectile dysfunction) or a low sex drive but the plumbing works fine, don’t conflate the two things.

    If your husband’s plumbing works fine then he can learn to fake interest to keep you happy, women have been doing this for millennia. And there is a ton of truth to the “fake it till you make it” thing, the more sex he tries having the more he’s going to get interested in having. If he ACTS like he wants to get into your pants all the time then quite often after a while the mind follows the body. Conversely if he’s convinced himself that it’s “evil” to pretend, then he’s doing it the other way – failing to act is in fact reprogramming the sex drive right out of his mind.

    If his plumbing is broken then the usual ED medications (Cialis/Viagara and their clones) will work.

    If he’s just got no drive then sucking him off generally is going to get a rise out of him which you can both then work with.

    But if he’s just waiting around to poke you only when he “feels horny” then he’s doing it wrong. Sex is like everything else under the sun. The more practice the better you are at it and the better you are at it the more fun it is and the more you want to do it. The more he does it the more he’s going to “feel horny”

    Lastly, lowT is not always correlated with low interest. Even if he gets on T therapy it may not change his interest at all.

    But, if you are convinced that low T is the problem then the quick and dirty way to raise T without drugs is a program of high intensity aerobic exercise coupled with lifting or other muscle building in a gym. Or home weight sets or whatever. But it can take up to a year to see gains.

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