My ex (21) broke up with me two weeks ago. The first week I was heart broken and constantly thinking of them The second week here I still am sad about them leaving but realize that they probably arnt coming back. The past couple days I have been on dating apps and I matched with this guy and him and I have really hit it off. We texted all night this evening and have plans tomorrow to call and play apex together. The question is, am I rushing things? He seems like a nice guy and him and I seem to be hitting it off well.

  1. Kind of, but just because you met another guy doesn’t mean you have to rush into a relationship. You can get to know him better and just be friends for now.

  2. Only you know your history and what your comfort zone is like. If it feels good, that counts 100%! Have fun and enjoy responsibly.

  3. If you’re not over your ex, it’s not fair to this new guy. Would you want to try and date someone still emotionally attached to their ex?

  4. Yes you are. You’re not over your ex and now you’re involving a new guy. That’s not fair to him. If you want to keep it casual then cool, but he deserves to know so he can make an informed decision about dating you.

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