Been dating a guy for 7 months now. We only met once and he is in another country. The communication was great and already made some future plans. He knows I’m an overthinker, and each time I have a concerns I immediately let him know and we both settled maturely and talked about it. The only thing that bothers me is the way he shared posts on Fb. We talked about it before and I told him how it makes me uncomfortable. It bothers me how he shared posts of women almost naked. Big boobs, women wanted BJ’s, Meme’s about women wanting sex and BJ’s, memes on porn. I know the humor about it and I saw it a lot on FB, makes me laugh but it was like a punch in the gut when he shared those posts. It feels like he was acting single on FB and definitely, he is single online cuz I never accepted his friend request on FB since I want to avoid his post and shared post.

We already talked about it before and he assured me that it was just for humor and fun and not doing it again. But lately, he shared the same posts again and it was a lot. Last time I told him it was okay if we break up, I don’t want to stop him from looking for the girl he wants. He made me feel like I’m not his type so why bother to stay with me and pretend like he likes me and kept saying every damn day how much he loves me?

He is a great guy and I don’t understand why he is doing this.

  1. Time to end it. Good for you for trying to talk to him about it first. But it sounds like he’s not interested in changing.

  2. Based on those posts you get the feeling he doesn’t respect women very much.

  3. I would say give him an ultimatum. Either you or the memes. He has to choose one and if he doesn’t leave him. Another path would be to just ignore the memes. Boys will be boys and all that. Its rather harmless no? Is it affecting you in a negative way?

  4. >He is a great guy and I don’t understand why he is doing this.

    Evidently not because you’re thinking of breaking up with him. So is he a great guy or not? I’d say it sounds like this is a personal boundary he’s just neglecting. Doesn’t sound like such a great guy?

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