I went out to the bars last night for a celebration. When my boyfriend brought me home to my apartment, he had to help me up the stairs. I fell into bed and was about to fall asleep when I felt him undressing me… Ok that’s fine.. I mean he should’ve asked me first especially in my state. I was this drunk: my limbs would fall back down onto the bed when he let go of them. He then moved on top of me and asked if we were going to have sex. I’m sorry? My body instinctually tensed. I replied no and asked why he would even ask that. He angrily left and slept downstairs. I slept most of today and as I was getting ready for work my boyfriend asked if we had time for sex. I replied that I’d probably throw up and needed to raincheck. He snapped, “it’s been 3 days since we’ve had sex.” He continued, “… that’s why I’ve been so aggressive lately. I have so much testosterone. I’ll just masturbate then,” and then he leaned over the kitchen island looking gloomy (?). I just gave him a wtf look and walked out the door. Is this normal or red flags? He’s young so I’m unsure if he’s just clueless or what? It’s grossing me out. I also silently cried last night. I didn’t even mean to. I must’ve dissociated because I couldn’t feel the emotions behind the tears.

  1. I’d call it an immaturity red flag at minimum. learn when’s an appropriate time to ask, how to read your partner’s mood and sure, masturbate if things aren’t syncing at the moment.

  2. The flags are burning bright red, his behaviour is absolutely appalling!!! Please get yourself out of there before something happens 🙁

  3. Eeeeh…hmmm. Potentially a red flag, but most of the time that means someone is doing something wrong and either knows and ignores it, or knows and doesn’t care about it.

    Don’t get me wrong, he’s being a total arse. He’s young so he has to learn sexual interaction in a relationship, but him whinging about “I have so much testosterone” (spoiler: not an excuse since that means fuck all), “it’s been 3 days” (spoiler: so fucking what, no one is obliged to have sex on intervals) and “I’ll just masturbate then (spoiler: maybe you should if you want to play the victim card). All just sounds he was horny, sure, that happens, but you or anyone else is not obliged to provide sex for him.

    He’s being really immature about it, but since he’s young, that’s maybe okay..for now.

    Lastly: him trying to fuck you whilst you were intoxicated or tired: big arse super humongous no-no. You said no, so it’s a no. Devil’s advocate is that again he’s young and needs to learn abotu shit like that, but if he does that shit again, tell him to fuck off. You gave him the benefit of the doubt the first time, the second time that’s not the case and it’s sexual assault.

  4. Lol men wanting sex now is a red flag 🚩 lol you gaslighting him should be a red flag that game wouldn’t work if he could replace you in a heart beat 😂😂😂 she knows what she’s doing

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