My partner and I are a great match in bed, although he has basically been very vanilla with past partners, while I have a more broad experience with more out of the ordinary activities. About a year ago, he was hinting that there was more he wanted to try with me but was shy about saying it, so we did one of those online questionnaires where you answer separately and then it tells you where you match up on what you want to try with your partner. We were both pleasantly surprised how many kinks we matched up on.

Sounds great, except there are a few kinks that I would love to try with him that haven’t happened yet, and I’m not sure how to bring them back up, basically because of what they are- bdsm and cnc, both with him being the dominant partner.

Before anyone slams me on the cnc, I have partaken with a past partner, so I know what it’s all about. It’s just so weird that it hasn’t come back up because we had a super long discussion when we did the survey, and he hasn’t brought it up since. Sounds silly, but I’m not sure how to broach the subject without just asking him to tie me up and force me.

Any advice?

1 comment
  1. No judgment on the cnc. My wife and I had discussed it and agreed it would be fun to try but we haven’t yet and haven’t discussed it further. If he sighted it as something he’d be interested in trying through the questionnaire, there is a subreddit r/consenualnonconsent that has videos of various cnc play. Maybe browse those and see if there are some you could introduce to him that might interest you both?

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