As the title says my friend graduated from a 2 year program and now makes considerably more money than everyone else. I applied to the program and got accepted, but I feel like I’m going into a grey area by following their career path. I don’t want them to feel like I’m invading their life. Genuinely I am just trying to get a better paying job as my current job has me paycheck to paycheck. Upon graduate if they told me they had received a job offer that was over 2x what I make now. Academically I’m not concerned it’s just the relationship I have with this friend is not one I want to lose. Should I tell them?
Should I keep it quiet? I don’t know how to tell them about this without making me seem like I’m just copying their life.

  1. Do what’s best for you. If they believe it’s copying, then so be it. Unless you truly are copying their life to be like them in an obsessive way, I wouldn’t worry about it. Come clean and be truthful.

  2. If I found out that my friend is trying to do the same degree as mine after I told them how much money I’m making, I would be proud of them for trying to work their way up in life.

    How competitive of a position would she have to have to feel threatened by you applying to the same program as her after she’s already completed it. It’s not like she’s competing with you.

    There’s no reason to hide this and there’s nothing wrong with doing it. You could even thank them for helping you find something you’re interested in.

  3. Friend would definitely encourage you to pursue better career. Just tell them and if you get a bad reaction, just focus bettering your own life with that education and gaining new better friends.

  4. Setting yourself up for the future is more important than keeping this one friend if they for some reason aren’t supportive. Maybe tell them you did it because they inspired you

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