I matched with a girl recently and we talked very frequently throughout the day. Now I haven’t heard from her. I don’t want to bombard her with messages. Why does this happen and how do you even get over someone you haven’t met?

  1. She’s not interested. Such a shame people can’t be upfront about it honestly. I feel like it’d be easier to move on if it was communicated. Unfortunately I don’t have advice on getting over it, kinda just happens at your own pace. :/

  2. Because they get busy, because they got bad news, because they need a break from socializing, it can be anything.

  3. I’ve been on the giving and receiving end of this behavior. There are so many factors that can impact my ability/motivation to respond. Personally, I don’t like to date multiple people at once. If I’m talking with someone else (who, for whatever reason, I sense more of a compatibility with), I’ll let my other conversations dry up. Sometimes I’ll stop communicating when my priorities change. For example, I’ll neglect dating to focus on work, friends, or creative pursuits. In this day and age, ghosting is fairly common. If the person isn’t messaging you, it probably means you have different expectations regarding communication or she is no longer interested or not able or willing to put in the effort to get to know you. If her unresponsiveness is a result of the latter, then—for lack of a better phrase—you’ve dodged a bullet. It’s natural for people to have lives outside of dating. If you are really interested in this person, you could reach out. In the past, I’ve been receptive to a “hey, how’s it going?” message or an inquiry into something I mentioned earlier. If she doesn’t respond, then I think it’s time to focus your energy into pursuing someone who can reciprocate or at least try to match your level of communication.

  4. If I stop messaging someone all of a sudden, that usually means I’m distracted with something. But if I was very interested in that person I would take some time out of my day to send them a message.

  5. most people dont like confrontation, and or being the bad guy and its easier to ghost.

  6. Fickleness. Or she’s shallow and ended up letting someone she thinks is better than you jump the line.

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