I, like most people do enjoy sex. I have enjoyed sex before, but lately it’s been so bad for me. Every time i have sex i either can’t stay wet/turned on, it’s uncomfortable, or i just don’t feel anything.

i’ve only had a 5 partners and other than the guy I lost my virginity to, i haven’t been able to enjoy sex. I’m not sure if it’s because I lack an emotional attachment to the person, if they’re more worried about finishing themselves and not worried about me finishing, or if it’s because the sex is quiet and awkward.

I have communicated what I do like and don’t like as well as what would feel good for me too with my partners, but nothing changes, they either don’t listen or don’t want to.

Sex has just seemed like a chore lately and it sucks because I get horny too and I know sex CAN be great, I want to be intimate with another person, but each time i’m left unsatisfied and my mood killed. I haven’t had an orgasm from sex in 2 years and i’ve had partners during that time. I guess this is kind of a rant, because all my partners have came and enjoyed themselves, but I haven’t and i’m starting to feel burned out lol. I’m starting to feel used and it’s turning me off from sex.

  1. Maybe you should try watching porn with your partner while having sex, getting a toy, role play, deep dive into yourself and find what you like and what really turns you on. Express it to your partner and then try to incorporate it in the bedroom.

  2. What is wrong with young men these days. Selfish, narcissistic boys.. Mommies boys that think the world revolves around them.

    A man who isnt concerned with the welfare and pleasure of his lady, is throwing up an immediate red flag.

    Honestly I really fear for my own daughter growing up in this world of pathetic little boys in the bodies of adults.

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