Have you ever drank an Alabama Slammer?

  1. Yes, I went to college and have taken beach vacations. Not something I’d order on a typical Saturday night

  2. It was one of the first mixed drinks I ever ordered, mainly because I knew the name.

    I don’t recall particularly enjoying it.

  3. Twice. I’d nominate the yellowhammer (amaretto, rum, vodka, oj, pineapple juice) over it for state cocktail.

    If I want a beach cocktail I’m having a bushwacker.

  4. When I was 19, some friends and I snuck into a campus bar for the first time. I’d had alcohol before, but I’d never gone up to a bar and ordered a drink.

    I was in-line, trying to play it cool and look like I belonged, when I realized I had NO IDEA what to order when it was my turn. What do cool, sophisticated 21 year-olds order? What doesn’t scream “I don’t know what I’m doing, you’d better card me”??

    I decided I’d order whatever the person in front of me orders. The young lady ordered an Alabama Slammer. The bartender, saving time, then looks at me and asks what I wanted. Again, I tried to play it cool, and look like I wasn’t just copying the order in front of me. I feigned surprise. “Huh! I’d ALSO like an Alabama Slammer,” as if I’d come many miles for this specific beverage, and was surprised this sorority girl was drinking MY drink.

    When he presented our drinks, it was clear one of us knew what an Alabama Slammer was, and one of us did not. Fortunately, this was only like the third-most embarrassing thing that happened that night.

    But it was tasty!

  5. Never even heard of it but that’s probably because I prefer marijuana over alcohol.

    If I drink I usually just stick to gin, beer, wine, or “sparkling wine”

  6. When in college on a bar crawl we started out at the same bar every time, and an Alabama Slammer was the first drink. Haven’t had one since we took out one of my college friends’ daughters to the same bar for her 21st. It was as potent as I remember.

  7. I don’t drink, so no I’ve never had one. I remember a bartender in Jamaica who said they made them really well. And my friends all had them while they were there.

  8. Yes it tastes like booze and sugar. It’s like drinking cancer and diabetes.

  9. I’m not sure.

    I feel like that’s the kind of drink that might have been in those little “test tubes” that shot girls would walk around with at bars when I was in college. It’s definitely not something I’ve ever ordered at a bar though.

  10. My cousin when he was in yankee territory.

    “Excuse me ma’am do you have any sweet tea?”

    “Sweet… tea? Where you from?”

    “Alabama, ma’am.”

    “Well we have an Alabama Slammer.”

  11. No but my GF said she got hit by 3 of those at once when she was in gulf shores. She said they were the best she’s ever had!

  12. If someone offered me an “alabama slammer” i would walk right out of there.

  13. Definitely. It’s one of my favorite mixed drinks. I don’t drink often anymore so it’s been a long time since I’ve had one.

  14. As a recovering alcoholic, I can say I pretty much drank everything that I could get my hands on as long as I got me drunk. If somebody would have offered me in Alabama Slammer I probably would have taken it but I don’t think in all of my drinking years I ever got the pleasure of drinking one of those. Then again I don’t remember a lot of my drinking years so it’s very possible!

  15. I’ve had quite a few Alabama Slammers in my early 20s when I first started going to bars, mostly because I didn’t know what else to order. They’re bright red and really syrupy sweet. I think a lot of young people order these because of the name, and because they’re sweet and boozy. See also Red Death, Long Island Iced Tea.

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